Panelist for The International Health and Fitness Symposium and Trainer for NBC’s The Biggest Loser, Kim Lyons, Talks about Changing Your Mindset toward Diet and Exercise
Our society is sicker and fatter than ever before in the history of our modern civilization. Toxic exposure from chemicals ... Views: 1869
Panelist for The International Health and Fitness Symposium and “The Queen of Green,” Debra Lynn Dadd, Talks with Craig Pepin-Donat, The Fit Advocate, about Toxins All Around Us.
The World Cancer Report states that cancer rates could increase by 50 %, to 15 million new cases, by the year 2020. ... Views: 1141
The “Health Ranger” and International Health & Fitness Symposium panelist, Mike Adams, Reveals Startling Nutrition Secrets.
Every year, the FDA and CDC release frightening statistics: “One in every three men will contract some form of cancer;” “one in every nine women will get breast cancer.” ... Views: 1067
Craig Pepin-Donat, The Fit Advocate, Chairman and Host of The International Health and Fitness Symposium and panalist, “The People’s Chemist,” Shane Ellison, Share the Secret Truth about Big Pharma.
We live in the “age of drugs.” Not illegal, addictive substances, but legal over-the-counter and ... Views: 1739