Chakras are a buzz word these days. But what are they really? There's a simple way to find out.
In Sanskrit, chakra means "wheel." According to Indian metaphysical teachings we have dozens of these spinning centers of vital energy within and around us, each with a specific function. Chakras ... Views: 4298
When I was in my early 20's I was diagnosed with Graves Disease or Hyperthyroidism. This diagnoses took three different doctors to figure out why my energy was so low and why I was gaining weight even though I ate like a bird. I was so uncomfortable with myself and probably wasn't thinking very ... Views: 2974
Do you know what side of your brain you're using when balancing your checkbook or listening to music? The left side enjoys facts and figures, while the right enjoys daydreaming. You can develop both sides of your brain and learn to shift when appropriate through the breath. Breath is the ... Views: 1741