The world is fast waking up to the wonders of tea tree oil. The famous beauty brand “The Body Shop” has an entire line of products made from tea tree oil. These products are very helpful in preventing blemishes. They deeply purify and cleanse your skin along with absorbing excess ... Views: 2142
Imagine a life without chemicals and therefore being able to live in a more “green” manner. Wouldn't it be great to have a 100% natural, environmentally friendly and renewable source that you can use for most of your routine tasks and eliminate chemical-based products in the process? There are ... Views: 843
The world is going green and numerous campaigns are aiming at promoting the use of environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials for our daily needs. A lot is being spoken about soap nuts. Unlike the name suggests, soap nuts are neither soap nor nuts. They are closer to being berries ... Views: 1046
All of us have heard something about pollution and the depletion of the environment at some point in our lives. Even the media is constantly bringing up the topic of conservation of our environment and much emphasis is being laid on how every individual can contribute to saving our planet from ... Views: 852
Soap Nuts can be used for more than just laundering clothes. They can be used by men and women alike who are suffering from hair loss. Ayurvedic medicine, practiced mainly in India and Sri Lanka, promotes a way of lifeto prevent hair loss, rather than just occasional treatments. Soap Nuts, ... Views: 4082
The North American consumer is moving towards becoming an informed buyer. An average American is now aware of facts that previously went unnoticed such as the presence of Triclosan in anti-bacterial soaps, bisphenol-A in plastics and that air fresheners are abuzz with phthalates. In simple ... Views: 1276
Have you ever thought about all the chemicals that we pour down the drain daily? What impact do they have on our environment? What does this mean for our children’s future? How can we minimize the harmful chemicals we use & save the environment at the same time? Soap Nuts are the ... Views: 1404
I’m not an environmentalist by any stretch of the imagination, but I do consider the impact of what I am doing has on the environment. That is why when my wife started using Soap Nuts as our household cleaner, it sparked my curiosity to learn more.
What are Soap Nuts?
Soap Nuts are actually ... Views: 716
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Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We know that your time is valuable, and aim to give you the most value possible for the time you invest in reading our article. We have put together a 5 step success plan for losing weight.
Step 1: Goals
The first step to achieving ... Views: 662