I have worked as an actor in movies and TV for over 25 years and there's one thing that people always say to me. "That looks easy, I bet I could do that." Well, I say, maybe you could but it's not as easy at it looks. It takes a lot of work to make it look so easy.
Watching a finished film ... Views: 1036
Many of us recently saw when Brett Favre, quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, played one of the greatest games of his career the Monday night after his father passed away. On the heels of one of the greatest tragedies anyone could face, he responded by playing an incredible game and leading ... Views: 2840
Did you ever wonder why we went from the kid who couldn’t sit still, to the adult who can’t get moving?
I asked myself this when I recently took my 3-year-old daughter to the playground at a fast food restaurant. She loves to play on those things and I love nothing better than to watch her. ... Views: 1170