Socrates mentored Plato ... Plato mentored Aristotle ... Aristotle mentored Alexander the Great...
It is a known fact. The most effective way to be successful is to be mentored. I am blessed to have had many excellent mentors over my 35 years of professional life.
When I need to learn a ... Views: 2166
The electricity in your wall socket has to be grounded to function properly and safely. In addition, things like your computer have to be safely plugged in and grounded. This is true for you too! You have to be grounded to function properly and safety.
According to Barbara Brennan in her ... Views: 1817
To lose your partner is always painful. It is a heartbreak, any way you look at it. It hurts. Your body aches and your heart feels like it is going to explode. You are face to face with the most important decision in your life.
The choice you make at this moment determines how the rest of ... Views: 4710
To lose your partner is always painful. It is a heartache, any way you look at it. It hurts. Your body aches and your broken heart feels like it is going to explode. You are face to face with the most important relationship decision in your life.
The choice you make at this moment ... Views: 11358
To lose your partner is always painful. It is a heartbreak, any way you look at it. It hurts. Your body aches and your heart feels like it is going to explode. And you are face to face with the most important decision in your life.
The choice you make at this moment determines how the rest of ... Views: 1675
Therapists, physicians, massage therapists, body workers and energy workers need to be interviewed and checked out just like your roofer! I don't know about you but finding a good roofer is might- near- impossible.
Psychological outcome research has shown that half of the therapists make us ... Views: 2053
Guilt is the worst experience known to humans. It ties us up in knots and makes us feel unworthy and miserable. First, let me explain that it is not a real feeling.
It is caused by thinking that we have done something wrong. We think we have done something wrong because we judge ourselves ... Views: 9682