Is Assisted Fertility or Surrogacy Natural?
During National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) we have been invited to Bust a Fertility Myth in order to enhance understanding of the issues around infertility.
Many of the women I work with really want to have their baby Naturally….without ... Views: 1621
Celebrating Mother Earth
I decided that World Earth Day was the perfect moment to birth my new blog which aims to support women over 40, over 45, over 50, over 55 to have a baby. Indeed there, is no upper age limit as far as I am concerned.
And Earth Day helps me in some ways articulate ... Views: 1052
It is told that Mary the mother of Jesus was visited by the Archangel Gabriel in a vision and informed that she was pregnant with Jesus.
Pregnant even though she was a Virgin. Without the use of IVF, IUI or any other assisted fertility therapy (I assume).
Unless you were brought up ... Views: 952
Perhaps you are familiar with the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was visited by the Archangel Gabriel in a vision and told that she was pregnant with Jesus.
Pregnant even though she was a Virgin. Without, I am assuming, the use of IVF, IUI or any other assisted fertility ... Views: 2544
Even those of us with little or no interest in pregnancy or fertility are still familiar with the idea of a woman’s biological clock.
In other words, it is a deep seated belief in our collective human story that once a woman reaches a certain biological age she is no longer fertile and cannot ... Views: 793
Today marked the start of a full moon.
I am coming to LOVE the moon and how she guides women.
For eons, the universe (God/Goddess) has been giving us clues about the importance of the moon for women and female fertility
■28 days menstrual cycles (mirroring the length of time it takes ... Views: 1920
The 21st of December will mark the longest night of the year.
Known as the Winter Solstice, in ancient cultures this was one of the most important days of the year.
Indeed, over 5000 years ago many temples and sacred sites were constructed around this day…or the moment of sunrise following ... Views: 910
The Full Moon.
I LOVE that image. Often, I am lucky enough to be able to gaze at her before me on the Mediterranean Ocean at night in our porch. I love, love, love it.
And the more I notice the Moon, the more I love her. She feels like a person to me now. I want to give her capital ... Views: 895