You must have a marketing plan if you intend on making money from the very beginning with your online business. You can make a formal schedule for yourself, or spend the first couple of hours each day marketing yourself and your business. You will soon find that this can be fun, especially after ... Views: 1077
Writing your eBook will just be the beginning of building your online business. Now you must consider what other products and services people will want that are related to your eBook topic. Understanding how to repurpose your content and create many different products will help you to develop ... Views: 1405
Are you writing an eBook on a topic that people are interested in purchasing? The only way you will know is if you do your research before you finish writing. Many people do not want to spend the time doing their research, and then are disappointed when their eBook does not sell. Here is how to ... Views: 1121
It seems like everyone wants to write an ebook. People are selling them on eBay, your probably receive offers of free ones in your email messages, and you hear of others that have sold tens of thousands of copies and made a fortune for the author. The truth is that you can make money with your ... Views: 1305
Being able to write and sell your eBook online has revolutionized the publishing industry. Instead of waiting one to two years to write and publish your work, you can now have an eBook written and ready to sell on the internet in a matter of a few short weeks, or even less, in some cases. ... Views: 1163
If you are writing your first eBook, you may be intimidated by the amount of information that is already available on the internet. I am often asked by prospective students what they can do to make their writing stand out from that of others. They find that there are so many eBooks available ... Views: 1131