According to the wisdom of that great expert on romantic love, Walt Disney, all one needs to do to find true love is look for the sweet face of one’s Princess or Prince, feel the power of love sweep you away, and you will live together happily ever after. Unfortunately, real relationships ... Views: 1380
In years of using hypnosis in working with war veterans I have been told by veterans themselves that my work has helped to heal the physical and emotional scars of war far better than traditional counseling, cognitive therapies, and pharmaceutical drugs combined. In this article I will describe ... Views: 2361
Perhaps you are single and looking for a love relationship. You might be married and looking for a way to make your relationship work more smoothly for you. Or you might be enduring the heartache of a painful separation. If any of these situations sounds like yours, your Inner Mate could provide ... Views: 1399
n the first article in this series, I explored the rising epidemic of diabetes in our society, its terrible costs for our health, and some of its likely causes. In this article I will explore some of the ways hypnosis therapy can be used, in conjunction with appropriate medical treatment, to ... Views: 2581
The incidence of diabetes, once a rare and obscure disease, has skyrocketed in the last twenty years and now afflicts tens of millions of Americans. While at one time experts attributed this increase to the increasing age of the American population, doctors are discovering that the disease is ... Views: 1098
n our last article, I showed how hypnotherapists can use positive memory association and emotional clearing therapy with olfactory and gustatory hallucination to assist in relieving the symptoms of allergies to any substance. In this article, I will describe how to reduce or eliminate the ... Views: 1191
The first article of this five part series describes the vast array of immune system diseases which are a growing pandemic in our society today. It also outlines three potential causes for this pandemic within our civilization. Within these next articles each cause will be explored in depth, and ... Views: 1457
Americans today are suffering from a serious pandemic of diseases associated with dysfunction of the immune system. The most publicized of these diseases and the most lethal is AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. While this illness shows many unusual features for an infectious disease, it ... Views: 1313
It seems that every other ad on television these days is for some form of sleeping pill. So many people I meet in my practice are either suffering serious sleep problems or are dependent on some kind of pharmaceutical sleep aid. In this article I will explain why insomnia is an epidemic in our ... Views: 1400
Most of us experience hunger as anything but joyful. When pangs of hunger strike, most of us experience them as the enemy. Often hunger makes us confused, tired, and irritable. Worst of all; hunger pains can lead us to overeat, or to eat sweets and other junk food. Under the dire influence of ... Views: 3485
One of the most important problems for the client who is serious about losing weight is portion size. Everyone wishing to lose weight needs to learn about healthy eating habits, the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding highly processed foods, and the value of whole grains. In ... Views: 1159
In our last article about the emotional eating habits that keep us overweight we discussed the subconscious programming that causes us to stuff our feelings with food. In this article, we will explore another common pattern among overweight people: the use of food to substitute for creative ... Views: 1112
In the first article in our weight loss series, we learned about “emotional eating habits”, those eating behaviors that are related to emotional longings rather than the body’s real need for nutrition. The first thing we explored was the infantile programming to overeat created by the common ... Views: 1013
Over 65% of Americans are overweight. According to researchers, Americans are getting fatter at the rate of ten pounds per decade despite a weight loss industry that is costing billions every year. As a hypnotherapist and hypnosis trainer for twenty-five years, I’ve dedicated myself to finding a ... Views: 872
If you are overweight you may be tired of everyone telling you that losing weight is just about eating less food and or consuming fewer calories. You may have tried every diet old and new. But, sometimes it seems that our bodies have found a way to turn a plate of lettuce into a pound of fat! ... Views: 1408
Hypnotherapy is the therapy of choice for helping smokers to be free of this dangerous and destructive habit. But not all hypnotherapists are trained in the latest and most effective technology for easy recovery from this stubborn addiction. So in this article I list seven of the most advanced ... Views: 1163
Cigarette smoking can be a nasty habit. Every year more facts are unearthed about the destructive effects of smoking. Smokers show much higher rates of many kinds of cancer, as well as increased risk of heart disease, strokes, emphysema, asthma, kidney failure, osteoporosis, diabetes, and a host ... Views: 1228
In our last two articles I addressed some of the possible underlying psychological causes of the current epidemic of breast, prostate and colon cancers. These analyses present some examples of what I consider one of the most fertile yet least explored areas of cancer research and treatment: ... Views: 880
In the first article in this series we examined the underlying cause of the current pandemic of breast cancer, and how hypnosis can assist in healing this disease. This article will tackle the cause of two other pandemic forms of cancer, cancer of the prostate and colon cancer. Scientists have ... Views: 1092
A great deal of research has been devoted to the treatment of cancer in the last 60 years. High tech treatments are now being developed which can increase survival rates and reduce the terrible side effects of the highly toxic drugs and radiation which are the foundations of most medical cancer ... Views: 846
In this series of articles we are exploring new techniques which have demonstrated the effectiveness of past life regression (henceforward referred to as PLR) therapy for a wide variety of client issues. Last issue we addressed the healing of past life trauma. This article will focus on bringing ... Views: 2286
Past life regression (henceforth referred to by its commonly-used acronym PLR) is a highly controversial subject in the field of therapy. In one camp are its often fanatical detractors, who regard PLR as a method used by unscrupulous amateurs to rob and deceive the gullible masses. On the ... Views: 1202