How to keep your audience engaged while giving a presentation. Become the speaker that people know, like and trust. Watch your sales and referrals soar!
Your audience is more discerning than they were a year ago. So many things are calling for their attention they have to make judgment calls ... Views: 1002
Before recording and posting a video, consider these seven presentation tips to ensure that your authenticity, expertise and passion shine through.
It takes courage to show up.
No less, showing up online where thousands of people can rewind, pause, and study if you’re the person they want to ... Views: 1250
Don’t let these common fears hold you back.
A line from Caroline Casey’s speech at the Green Festival intrigued me. She said, “Our security used to be in laying low. Now, our security lies in showing up.” As independent professionals, it’s more important than ever to take on the challenge and ... Views: 1148
A juicy connection with your audience will bring you more business. Go beyond the basic speaking skills and learn irresistible intimacy. Nothing of real significance happens without it.
Sure, there’s a time for a basic speech class. It’s where a lot of people go to get experience in a ... Views: 978
Bringing more of YOU into view is critical for the success of your business. Here's how.
A common problem for speakers is doing too much of the same thing. Predictability is the enemy of the presenter. Eyes glaze over; people stop listening.
Just as artists work with a full palette of colors, ... Views: 1008
15 minutes a day will improve your confidence and increase your sales conversion rate.
What do you think of when you think of acting? I used to think that acting was pretending, but after studying it I discovered that it’s more about making the most of your every single move. It’s about being ... Views: 1334
Be aware of these signs of communication cover-up. Transparency is the new secret to success.
You may be familiar with the Adam and Eve story. A blissful day in the garden goes bad and the great cover-up begins.
We've also found ways of covering up our truth by sending mixed messages, adding ... Views: 1022
The experts agree that having uncomfortable conversations is the best way to succeed in your business.
Timothy Ferriss, author of The Four Week Work Week talks about the importance of having uncomfortable conversations in this current economy and how it relates to small business ... Views: 3183
Maybe your clients DO care a little about you.
We’ve been told for decades that ‘your clients don’t care about you, but only what’s in it for them.’ As an entrepreneur, do you really believe that? Would you want to align yourself with people who don’t care about you at all? Not even one ... Views: 1291
If you've been practicing a script in your head trying to get the words perfect, it might be time to redefine practice.
When I first started giving presentations, I was so nervous I had to memorize every single line. It was a lot of work. Even with all that preparation, there was a good chance ... Views: 1310