The nature of every relationship is to present us with challenges important for our personal development and spiritual growth. Learning to be in right relationship is the primary reason that we as human beings exist. Sharing our lives with others is a lifelong journey that requires skill. Each ... Views: 753
One hot summer day I saw a very strange creature roaming around on the property. It looked somewhat like an anteater from a distance, but they don't live in this part of the world. I grabbed my binoculars to get a better look. It was a raccoon with a jar stuck on its head. I initially laughed ... Views: 1774
The Inipi or “Sweat Lodge” as they are most commonly called is a sacred ceremony that utilizes the four primary elemental powers of the universe, which is still used by Native Americans to this day. Sweat lodges exist within most every culture and serve many purposes, but among the Native ... Views: 976
here is absolutely no doubt that animals are in our world for a purpose that goes far beyond our human comprehension. It is my belief that they are natural teachers and healing agents here to show us much about living, loving and dying. But, we must drop our alleged superiority in order to learn ... Views: 752
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Signs & Symbols - by Karen Scheel - Universal Healing Systems
There is no doubt that we are inundated every single day with all kinds of information that comes to us in a variety of ways via signs and symbols. Archetypes have been deeply embedded in our psyche (our soul) since the beginning of time. Before formal language, signs and symbols was the way ... Views: 1373
One cool September evening, a group of boys were walking through Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park on their way to their friend’s house. With approximately a little more than half a mile to go, they noticed a kitten had picked up on their trail and was slowly lagging behind, but they didn’t think ... Views: 7358
Apprehension filled the air as nine of us stood by the river’s edge. Under normal conditions this river was fast and choked with boulders, plunging downhill at an average gradient of 110 feet per mile and was known for being complex and physically demanding. Our adrenaline was in full flow, ... Views: 1271