If you want to become a better conversationalist, then this article will provide you with some helpful tips to communicate effectively with other people.
Communication Tip # 1: You should listen as much as you talk, or perhaps even more.
Communication is a two-way approach. While you are ... Views: 2025
Have you decided to enlarge your friends’ circle? Would you like to converse with any stranger like you do to your close friend? If you're wondering about how to start a conversation with a stranger, take note of the following 8 tips...
1) Be in a relaxed state of mind and maintain your ... Views: 1949
Do you simply hate the idea of waking up and going to work every morning? Is your boss driving you up the wall each day and you are finding yourself stagnating in the same position?
If you are nodding with a vigorous yes, the time is ripe for you to “call it quits.” But it's easier said than ... Views: 1686
Effective communication skills play an important role in various aspects of our lives. Its primary goal is to convey your feelings or message to others; and the clearer, the better.
Whether you want to build trust and respect, maintain happy relationships, or work harmoniously in a team ... Views: 1734
So you have been told that creativity is the elixir of life, and that you must channel your creativity to surge ahead! There is no doubt about it. Creativity is a blessing, and we must all do our very best to use it to its full capacity.
But just as that is true, it is also impossible to be ... Views: 1412
Life at times can be very overwhelming. We know deep down there are things that we need to do, but we keep postponing or procrastinating, because we tell ourselves that we are way too busy to get things done.
Everyone of us, at some time or another, are at strife with ourselves. We are often ... Views: 1465
Most of us, in a lifetime, cherish a dream that we know can take us really far in life. We have all been blessed with some sort of talent; all we need to do is discover it and turn it into our profession.
The most important step we can take towards achieving that goal is taking action! But ... Views: 6470
Do you constantly keep yourself away from something because you fear that you will make mistakes? Then take a good look at children! Have you seen how kids are completely unbridled when they swing really high?
Have you taken some time off to see how liberated they feel by this seemingly ... Views: 1461
An alarming fact emerges out of a recent survey conducted for employee satisfaction. More than one third of the American workforce is so uninspired and unhappy in their jobs, that they think of quitting every day.
No amount of freebies that their companies dole out occasionally is enough for ... Views: 1455
“Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” - George Bernard Shaw
Do you feel motivated in life? Do you look forward to going to work ... Views: 1521
The more you interact with people these days, the more they are likely to tell you that they find themselves stuck in life’s situation. These days, it is hard to come by individuals who say that they are radiantly happy because of the choices they have made in life!
Do you know why that ... Views: 1425
There are many times in life when we may have thought of taking a courageous step forward, but there is something or someone that stands in our way that has led to indefinite procrastination.
We may not admit it to ourselves; but in reality, we are turning our back to the real problem. Most ... Views: 1465
It's sad how some people choose to be stuck in the same situation, no matter what! You can tell these people apart from the rest of the crowd quite easily...
They are found to be always complaining; and yet, they will not do anything to change the situation they are in. They will always talk ... Views: 1463
Do you come across people who complain all day about their lives, but don’t do a thing to change it? These are the people whose lives are fraught with inaction, and they lead a life that is unsatisfying and unfulfilling.
Though they talk nineteen to a dozen and find faults with everyone and ... Views: 1921
“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right. Which one are you?” - Henry Ford.
This simple quote holds true in just about every aspect of human life. We often forget that we have been blessed with the gift of belief. And if you truly exercise the power of ... Views: 1564
Today, we live in a commercial-filled society. That's why the attempt to sell one’s products and services is becoming more difficult because there is competition everywhere.
Even though you may have a good product or may be providing excellent service, you may lose out to competition if you ... Views: 2042
The secret to move ahead in life is pretty simple. It is all about changing limiting beliefs into empowering ones. If you are able to do that successfully, there is no doubt you will be a far happier, confident and successful person.
Beliefs have the power to influence your outcome and ... Views: 1689
There are many ways to develop and practice patience. If you are interested in learning some of them, then I applaud you. Taking the initiative to change yourself for the better is perhaps the most important part of any personal development process.
For more awesome ways to develop and ... Views: 2419
In today’s fast-paced world, practicing mind relaxation exercises is a good habit to have. This way, you will be able to manage stress better and you won’t find yourself making rash or impulsive decisions.
When you feel like your head is about to explode, isn’t it comforting to know that ... Views: 2077
Making an introvert-extrovert relationship work is quite achievable. After all, don’t opposites attract? But as fun as dealing with someone different from you is, there are times when two people just don’t see eye to eye.
Is there a way to keep conflict under control in such a situation? ... Views: 2574
Knowing how to help a friend with low self-esteem can greatly improve not only their sense of worth, but your relationship as well.
Everyone feels a little down sometimes; but when someone you care about becomes too self-deprecating and overly critical of themselves, it’s time to do ... Views: 4102
Wondering how not to be lazy at work? It’s true; we procrastinate and feel a little lethargic sometimes. But in today’s busy world, we all have responsibilities that can’t wait, so we just can’t afford to be unproductive.
Instead of wasting your time reading blogs on the Internet, or ... Views: 1932
You may not realize it, but the energy of your thoughts has the power to create and affect your reality. Our perception of the world is influenced and interpreted by our inner thoughts and emotions. The truth is that our way of thinking creates our outcome.
The key to taking charge of our ... Views: 2364
Are you quick to lose your temper? Are you prone to loneliness, envy, frustration or other negative emotions? Being overcome with such feelings is natural; but learning how to manage your anger and emotions, especially in high-pressure situations, is an important and invaluable skill.
Here ... Views: 1905
Whether we’re talking about your personal life or your career, learning how to get liked by people will open a lot of opportunities for you.
Individuals who have that magnetic personality or irresistible charm can use it to their advantage, not only to be successful socially, but also to ... Views: 2072
Knowing how to get close to someone you like may spell the difference between being with the person of your dreams and watching them get away.
Sometimes, people become really shy and awkward in the presence of the ones they like that they can’t talk to them or even approach them. This is a ... Views: 9562
Is managing work-life balance difficult for you? Do you find yourself doing or worrying about work-related things, even at home? Are you feeling overworked and in need of time with family and friends?
It's no secret that balancing your work and personal life can be tricky. Being productive ... Views: 1835
If you're spending too much time worrying and obsessing, and thinking of how to clear your mind of negative thoughts, this article can help solve your problem.
We all have felt a little down and critical of ourselves at certain times in our lives; that’s normal. But sometimes - without us ... Views: 8158
Communication with old people involves more than just words and our sense of hearing. We also use our sense of sight, smell, touch, and most of all, our cognition.
Communicating with the elderly can prove to be challenging, especially when taking into consideration their decline in mental ... Views: 2809
A positive thinking attitude can help you cope with the stresses and pressures of everyday life. We are all faced with challenges at work, at school or even at home - we can’t avoid these.
What we can do is to develop and strengthen a positive thinking attitude that can help us see the ... Views: 1747
Learning how to feel unstoppable has a lot to do with developing confidence and building self-esteem. The way you see yourself greatly affects how others see you, as well as how you interact with them.
Learning how to feel unstoppable will also help you in achieving the goals you set for ... Views: 3306
At some point, anyone in a relationship has to learn how to deal with a stubborn spouse. Even though your wife or husband may not really be stubborn in nature, there are situations where this trait may surface and it’s better to be prepared in handling it.
Given that every person is unique, ... Views: 26363
What are the secrets of achievers? How do they become successful in almost everything they do? Are achievers really born and not made? Why are they on top, while many are not?
These are some of the questions you may ask if you are finding yourself unsatisfied with where you are in your life ... Views: 2837
Knowing how to find your calling in life is everyone’s goal. Being able to do so is necessary to live a happy and contented life.
Some people have found their purpose early on; and they are the lucky ones, because they know exactly what to do with their life. Your childhood friend, for ... Views: 1983
Learning how to be approachable to people will open a lot of doors for you. Being friendly and sociable will definitely help you in building a healthy social life and a successful career.
By inviting more people into your life, you also welcome more experiences, more opinions and ... Views: 2347
Learning how to be emotionally strong is important, especially in today’s hectic and ever-changing world.
We all go through difficult times. We encounter problems at home, in our personal lives, in our relationships, as well as at work or with our finances. These are all a part of life. ... Views: 3629
Do you find it difficult to tell if a guy is into you or not? This is because male attraction signals are often indirect and confusing. This uncertainty will only make it more difficult to recognize these signs.
The following are some male attraction signals that will help you know whether ... Views: 17499
Women are very complex and complicated creatures. No wonder men are oftentimes confused by female attraction signals that ladies are sending out.
It may seem difficult to decipher these signals, but learning to watch out for some fool-proof indications will help you identify female ... Views: 3685
If you want to know how to make someone miss you, then this article is for you. I'll give you helpful ways to make anyone long for your presence. Whether you want your family, your lover or your friend to miss you, these 3 steps will set you on the right path.
To learn how to make someone ... Views: 15553
Want to know how to charm someone? In this article, I'll show you some of the most effective ways to be a charismatic and likeable person. Of course, the examples here can be flexible. Tweak them however you want, so they can be applied to your own specific situations.
To get started, here ... Views: 4355
Learning how to wake up early and not feel tired is something a lot of us have had to struggle with all our lives.
It may have started when we were in high school - when we first discovered the joys of cable TV or when we realized just how fun it could be to surf the Internet all night. ... Views: 4023
Knowing how to start the day right is very important. You’ve seen what getting up from the wrong side of the bed does to people, haven’t you?
From stubbing their toe on the door to ruining their breakfast - everything seems to go wrong for them. Starting the day right, however, can keep you ... Views: 1921
Before you can figure out how to make a perfect relationship, you must first find out what the word perfect means to you. In the universal sense, there is no such thing as a flawless relationship, except within your standards and preferences.
You have your individual preferences, of course, ... Views: 2486
Nobody ever said that dealing with emotionally abusive parents is going to be easy. In fact, many people have had to carry the burden with them until they become parents themselves (or even until old age!).
However, it's up to you to resolve this issue. You can either let the abuse affect ... Views: 2258
If you want to make it big, then you might want to learn a few wealth feng shui tips to help you along. People don’t necessarily believe them, but you’d be surprised at how many of those same people arrange their homes or their spaces in accordance to this unique Chinese system.
Here are a ... Views: 6324
If you always find yourself late for work, school or an appointment - or you often fail to finish your tasks - then you need to learn how to improve your time management skills.
It’s not that hard, although it might seem that way at first. Habits can be tough to break; but if you stick to ... Views: 1810
Learning how to build communication skills puts you at an advantage. A lot of people believe that communication is just about talking; but is it just talking that cinches the deal or gets you a job?
If speaking was all it took, then you’d think there would be more successful people around. ... Views: 2055
Life is an adventure. If you often feel bored, it may only mean that there are some things you have yet to try. If you really put your mind to it, there are a variety of ways to overcome boredom.
Like many people, you’re probably stuck doing the same things over and over again. Break out of ... Views: 2349
There are instances when we must break the tide and times when we must learn how to go with the flow. In this particular article, I’m going to teach you how to do the latter.
If you’re headstrong and not usually the type to back down, then you need to learn how to adapt to different ... Views: 1809
It may sound almost impossible, but learning how to criticize your boss can be done. You just have to do it in such a way that it won’t sound like an actual critique.
Still have your doubts? Well, if you want to learn how to criticize your boss the right way, read on.
Step 1: Tell The ... Views: 4658