(Begin Insight Card)
The struggle is not about lack of commitment from those around you, but rather about your commitment to your own life. The level of commitment you see in others mirrors your own level of commitment to yourself.
Commit to that which is in line with your life purpose, your ... Views: 1038
Insight #2 of 101
Touch A Heart
Many hearts are closed to the love of this universe. To touch another’s heart, you must first open your own heart. Not just to a selected few, but for all to see.
Be open. Be vulnerable. Allow yourself to be loved and to love everyone that you meet. Take those ... Views: 1146
Insight #2
Touch A Heart
Many hearts are closed to the love of this universe. To touch another’s heart, you must first open your own heart. Not just to a selected few, but for all to see.
Be open. Be vulnerable. Allow yourself to be loved and to love everyone that you meet. Take those whose ... Views: 992
Insight #1
Be proud of and use your strengths! The lessons that you have chosen to learn in the past will serve you well. They were necessary. They made you aware of the helplessness and the despair that humankind can take on. Will you show others that there is another way? You have ... Views: 1081
A father had two sons and he loved each of them equally. The sons loved their father too. In front of their father, the two sons took to arguing amongst themselves. The bickering continued. Their voices became louder and louder. Finally one announced to the other that he was going to finish ... Views: 1464
Once again I must place a disclaimer at the beginning of this writing. My opinions and/or my truths are mine. I am in no way attempting to force my truths upon anyone. If you happen to accept my truths then please do so. If not, then please reject them. I share with you my truths because I ... Views: 1443