Changes, changes, changes. Just when you get used to a new resume format, a new resume strategy or a new resume concept, poof - more changes show up.
So what significant changes have occurred in the past five years that now make your executive resume look outdated today? Are companies really ... Views: 1232
Why are 40-plus professionals plagued by common stereotypes like having less energy, demand high health and life insurance costs, and are unwilling to learn new technology.
I remember a time when the word "age discrimination" only came to mind when considering men and women nearing the ... Views: 1209
If your job search campaign keeps hitting a brick wall, your existing resume is getting you no results, and you have been trying every method you know about including online postings, recruiters, social networks, in-person networking), maybe what you are feeding the masses is not the right ... Views: 1929
You wouldn’t create a gourmet meal and serve it on dirty dishes, right? So why would you engage in a Job Search 2.0 campaign using an executive resume with outdated, ineffective strategies?
If you have been conducting a targeted job search that is not generating any interviews or ... Views: 1424