Healing opens us to our spirituality.
Spirituality is an awareness that has atrophied in our society. Western culture is something of an aberration when compared to the majority of other cultures, where the spiritual dimensions are experienced and conceptualized as normal parts of existence ... Views: 2029
The experience of integrating spiritual healing with conventional medicine in England is instructive.
In the mid 1970s British healers formed a healing organization that lobbied the government to allow healers to treat patients in National Health Service hospitals. With one governmental ... Views: 1572
Have you ever felt your anger boil over to the point that it spilled out in ways you wished it hadn’t? Has your blood pressure ever risen when someone offended you and you could not respond? Have you ever clenched your teeth, biting back your words till your jaws ached or you got a headache? ... Views: 2804
Can you picture to yourself a world in which we are able to trust each other, without doubts or hesitations? Hard to imagine such a thing, isn’t it? Yet there are clear, readily available steps we can each take to start to make our personal world much less a place of anxieties, fears and worries ... Views: 1577
Health and healing are not what we have been led to believe they are. Modern Western medicine and science tell us that disease is a scourge and that the primary goal of treatment is to cure it. In order to achieve cures, we fight illnesses with drugs; remove diseased parts; replace worn out ... Views: 1397
The pursuit of the truth shall set you free - even if you never catch up with it.
- Clarence Darrow
We all aspire to know and express truth in one way or another. We want to base our life decisions and actions, minor and major, on the best information ... Views: 1630
How can we understand healing, which seems to occur through intention and subtle energies?
Albert Einstein pointed out, earlier in this century, that matter and energy are interchangeable. Quantum physics has amply confirmed his theory. Conventional, Newtonian medicine continues to address ... Views: 1936
Healing opens us to our spirituality.
Spirituality is an awareness that has atrophied in our society. Western culture is something of an aberration when compared to the majority of other cultures, where the spiritual dimensions are experienced and conceptualized as normal parts of existence ... Views: 1403
In our reductionistic Western world we are taught that reality is "objective." We are led to believe that there is a constancy to the world and that it is consistently measurable by reliable scientific instruments. I will address these beliefs from the perspective of more than a dozen years of ... Views: 1765
If you've got love in your heart, whatever you do from that moment out is likely to be right. If you've got that one true note ringing inside you, then whatever you do is going to be OK. It's love, always love.
- Ken Kesey
On Valentine's Day we focus on ... Views: 1624
Many people with acute pain simply want to be rid of it, without giving it much of a second thought. A pain pill does the trick and they move on with their lives. They see no reason to poke about and ask whether there are any deeper understandings to be had about the pain.
Most of the time, ... Views: 1455
A recent study revealed that positive affirmations may actually make some people feel worse instead of better. Psychologists Joanne V. Wood and John W. Lee from the University of Waterloo, and W.Q. Elaine Perunovic from the University of New Brunswick found that people with low self esteem who ... Views: 2431
There are fears around the planet about the financial crises now threatening every country in the world. The hasty governmental responses of throwing paper money at the problems that were created by irresponsible investments of banks is not going to solve these problems. Printing more money ... Views: 1496
We are often taught to ignore and bury our problems and upsets and to 'be strong.' This is a temporary solution for distress that has serious drawbacks. Learning to identify and release our feelings are much better ways of handling them. Varieties of self-treatment methods enable us to do this, ... Views: 2510
A common sense, Cost vs. Benefit Analysis (CBA) of your situation while under stress will often point to obvious changes you can make in order to change and improve the situation. For instance, working fewer hours is permitted! If you are exhausted, you will be less than fully ... Views: 1621
The recent tsunami in Asia and major earthquake in Pakistan have highlighted problems long recognized in the helping professions. Caregivers have known well the potentially draining experiences of compassion fatigue – from experiences of policemen, firefighters, paramedics and other ... Views: 1491
Life is the only game in which the object of the game is to learn the rules.
-- Ashleigh Brilliant
I find that life is a series of lessons. As a psychiatric psychotherapist, I have been helping people for 40 years to sort out their issues that get them in up tight ... Views: 1461
Health and healing are not what we have been led to believe they are. Modern Western medicine and science tell us that disease is a scourge and that the primary goal of treatment is to cure it. In order to achieve cures, we fight illnesses with drugs; remove diseased parts; replace worn out ... Views: 1076
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*** The Costs of Pain - by Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABIHM, The Official Guide to Pain Management
Pain is a burden not only to those who suffer it, but also to family members, co-workers and employers. Self-treatment for pain is effective, immediately available when needed, and very cost-effective.
A person who is laid up with serious backaches, neck pain, irritable bowel syndrome, ... Views: 1310
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***Unspoken Words - by Daniel J. Benor, MD, The Official Guide to Pain Management
Unspoken words are rarely silent in their effects. They may influence us quite powerfully in many ways.
Unexpressed emotions that fester
We may hesitate to say something that could lead to hurt or anger, often when we are experiencing these same feelings ourselves. If my boss is asking me to ... Views: 1618
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***Hands-On Help - by Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM, The Official Guide to Pain Management
A considerable body of research shows that spiritual healing (as in Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Reiki and Prayer healing) is an effective treatment. This article reports on how healing is finding applications in clinical practice.
Anecdotes abound on the benefits of spiritual healing ... Views: 1282
The Can of Peaches (Email passalong):
An 80 year old woman was arrested for shop lifting. When she went before the judge in Cincinnati he asked her, "What did you steal?"
She replied, "A can of peaches."
The judge then asked her why she had stolen the can of peaches, and she ... Views: 1307
There is much unexplored potential in each human being. We are not just flesh and bone or an amalgamation of conditionings. If this were so, our future on this planet would not be very bright. But there is infinitely more to life, and each passionate being who dares to explore beyond the ... Views: 1626
Fibromyalgia (FM) is an illness syndrome that includes aches and pains all over the body; severe fatigue; mental unclarity and difficulty focusing (often called ‘brain fog’); depression; insomnia; digestive disorders (vague pains, diarrhea); and multiple allergies to foods and other items. ... Views: 1145
*** When parents separate or divorce, children are usually stressed. Even when parents separate amicably, children end up having to adjust to living part-time in each of two households. Single parents often note that children have problems with their attitudes, emotions and behaviors in the day ... Views: 1287
The body may participate in memories in several ways.
If your back (or other body part) is injured or tense at the time of a traumatic experience, the emotional memory of that experience may become imprinted in that part of your body. This seems to happen more often when you don't allow ... Views: 2111
There are fears around the planet about the financial crises now threatening every country in the world. The hasty governmental responses of throwing paper money at the problems that were created by irresponsible investments of banks is not going to solve these problems. Printing more money ... Views: 1119
Clinical Explorations
When I learned about psychotherapy as a teenager, I knew that was what I wanted to do. I couldn't imagine anyone actually getting paid to do something so fascinating. I studied psychology as my undergraduate pre-med major, endured the challenges of medical school, with a ... Views: 5006
Clinical Explorations
When I learned about psychotherapy as a teenager, I knew that was what I wanted to do. I couldn't imagine anyone actually getting paid to do something so fascinating. I studied psychology as my undergraduate pre-med major, endured the challenges of medical school, with a ... Views: 2735