If you have a pet in your family, you of course want what is best for him/her. This includes annual checkups, immunizations and dental cleanings from your veterinarian; boarding your pet at a reputable facility while you are on vacation or hiring a pet sitter to come to your home; bathing and ... Views: 1250
Many of my clients have asked me how I can tell if an animal is sick or has the beginning stages of a potential health problem. One way is simply to ask the animal during a consultation if they are experiencing pain anywhere in their body. The animal will provide me with the information in ... Views: 2282
Communicating with lost animals and successfully reuniting them with their human companions is possibly the most difficult part of an animal communicator's job. The animal's human companions are in a very stressful state and are desperate for you to provide answers. The animal is sometimes ... Views: 1542
Many of my clients have asked me how I can tell if an animal is sick or has the beginning stages of a potential health problem. One way is simply to ask the animal during a consultation if they are experiencing pain anywhere in their body. Another method is for me to guide my hands over their ... Views: 1199
Dowsing has existed in various forms for thousands of years. In modern times, dowsing has been used to detect water for wells, mineral deposits and archaeological artifacts hidden in the earth.
Using a map in combination with a pendulum, this same practice can be used to locate lost animals. ... Views: 4369
Energy healing is a gentle, painless, yet powerful modality that works where it is needed most. The form of energy healing that I use is Reiki. Traditionally, Reiki has been used primarily on humans since the mid 1800s. However, it has been found to benefit any living thing, including plants and ... Views: 1178