Objective: Learn how to ‘let go’ and flow.
What are emotional blockages? I think we can all answer that question with a variety of responses from our direct experience.
How might we learn from them?
Here I’ll present some interesting and possibly new points of view you may not have ... Views: 843
"How do we qualify information as it enters our 'field' ?" The resonance of truth varies depending on our ability to be aware at deeper levels. We have a 'field' that surrounds us, a kind of 'spidey sense' that we often neglect.
How do we 'vet' the information and people providing it so that ... Views: 1624
We’ve all heard the phrase, ‘Let go and let God.’ Can you? Are you sure? Do we have to really work on recognizing and releasing our attachments to outcome? Usually we do; working through the frustrations of self-criticism along the way. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Oftentimes, we find ... Views: 1044
Janna Levin presents some very interesting information about our universe, including black holes and the rhythm and sound of their nature. Her presentation of the potential sounds we might here, if we could, resemble the sounds heard by those who have explored deeper levels of consciousness ... Views: 1419
At the risk of appearing really off the wall, I'd like to express some considerations that you may share as well. It has been several decades since I first started inquiring deeper within the constructs of reality, seeking congruence of belief systems and daily living. I’ve shucked the belief ... Views: 2032
Achieving your dream has never been more accessible and reasonable than it is today. The motivation for achievement is ever-present on the minds of entrepreneurs, but a new and growing population of displaced workers is now entering the market.
Cottage industry, an industry where the creation ... Views: 1738
Anthropic means 'of or relating to human beings or the period of their existence.' This relationship between man and the cosmos is said to be through intelligent design. Only a small range of possible values for the universal constants (such as the mass of an electron) are consistent with the ... Views: 2055
The 26,000 year Tzolkin recycles in 2012. There are some personal connections to that within a past life regression I did in 1989. I’ve been open to these things but always had a skeptical eye open just to keep observant and a bit cautious of getting lost in it all. After all, we do live in the ... Views: 2062
What is truth? Is it objective, subjective, all inclusive or mutually exclusive? Does it apply even when we deny it? Do we have the capacity to know it with our senses? Are we greater beings under limitations of modern science and spirituality?
How about cosmic truth? Are we alone or ... Views: 1629
It is all-visible to each 'presence' within our entire population; however the effect of each choice in the filter of their own consciousness is often one of the ‘hidden’ processes that take place, regardless of the external activity. These are processes that one internalizes and rarely offers ... Views: 2246