A presentation skills coaching client recently landed a radio interview. She was excited because it would help her build her business, but also nervous because she had never been interviewed on the radio.
After we got done celebrating, here are the 8 tips that I shared that will help her ... Views: 1726
Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy which has its roots in the Toyota Production System and focuses on creating customer value while eliminating waste.
These principles have been applied to many industries and services. And as a presentation skills coach with work experience as a ... Views: 2022
Your voice is a key part of your presentation delivery. And having a tired, hoarse voice can negatively impact your presentation.
I’ve conducted many training programs where I’ve had to present for five or six hours a day for five days in a row. And I’ve also sung in choirs and as a ... Views: 1704
When you’re giving a presentation, it’s crucial that you don’t go over the time limit.
Whether you’ve set it yourself or have agreed to a time limit set by the meeting organizer, you need to prepare so that you can cover your topic within that time limit. No one will usually complain if ... Views: 1985
Someone in a recent presentation skills training program asked, “How do I project my voice and also, project authority?”
It's a great question because your voice is an important part of your presentation and should communicate that you’re confident, knowledgeable and engaging.
Here are 7 ... Views: 1939
Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy which has its roots in the Toyota Production System and focuses on creating customer value while eliminating waste (in Japanese, "muda"). Building on the original 7 wastes that Lean identified, here are the 7 wastes that you should eliminate from ... Views: 1491
When you are preparing a presentation, an important question to consider is: Do I really need to use slides?
The answer, of course, is it depends. It depends on your purpose, your message, the time limit, the audience and the technology available. Consider the question carefully before you ... Views: 1475
If you’ve decided to use slides in your presentation because you believe they will help your presentation, it’s crucial to think about what to include in your slides.
Resist the temptation to write your script out in the slides. Not only is that boring for the audience to see slides full of ... Views: 1589
One high-stakes presentation that entrepreneurs have to give is in front of potential investors. While it can be intimidating to present in front of people who can fund your business, service or idea, following these 6 tips will improve your presentation and make it more likely that the ... Views: 1670
If you are the speaker at a meeting, conference or event, it's one of your responsibilities to provide a written introduction to the meeting organizer. The purpose of the introduction is to capture the audience’s attention and give them a quick overview of your background and experience.
... Views: 4078
Often, I have seen people refuse to use a microphone when they're presenting, whether at an office meeting, community event or industry conference. Yet, using a microphone correctly can make it easier for the audience to hear you and understand your message - which is the whole point of your ... Views: 1329
exercising and public speaking have a lot in common. Both become easier over time when you practice them regularly using the correct techniques. Everyone is capable of exercising and public speaking, although initially they may be a cause of pain for some people. The results of exercising and ... Views: 1429
One of my first jobs after graduate school was as an instructor at a community college. My course load included teaching American History 102 (1865-present) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:00-8:50 A.M. It was a required course for most of the 35 students and history was not their major. So ... Views: 1296
Non-verbal communication, or body language, is an important part of presentation skills and how you gesture is an essential component of that body language. At the very least, your gestures should match your words and not distract the audience. And with a little practice, they can help you ... Views: 1814
Recently, I attended a presentation by a smart, experienced professional whose goal was to provide an informative overview of his area of expertise to his colleagues. Unfortunately, he did not succeed in communicating his message effectively to the audience. How he prepared and delivered his ... Views: 1595
"What should I wear when I present?" One of my coaching clients asked me this question recently. While it might sound more like a question for a style consultant, it's also an appropriate question for a presentation skills coach like me.
In addition to your presentation content and delivery, ... Views: 2052
At the end of my session at a conference, one of the audience members came up to tell me about a bad session she had attended. She said, "The presenter vomited his content on the audience. It was awful. I would have walked out if I wasn't sitting in the front row." That's pretty strong ... Views: 1297
One of the easiest ways to be a better presenter is by organizing your content clearly and logically. It sounds so simple, yet many presenters don't organize their material; instead, they just throw everything at the audience, all jumbled together with no clear indication of how things relate ... Views: 1200
Confident communicators are not afraid to take up their space at the table and let their voices be heard. They know their subject well and project a strong belief in what they're saying without being conceited or arrogant. And as a result, the audience is more likely to listen to them and ... Views: 1411
I'm a fan of the TV cooking competition, The Next Food Network Star, hosted by celebrity chef Bobby Flay. The winning chef gets his or her own cooking show on the Food Network.
The show offers lesson not just about cooking, but also about presentation skills because the winning chef has to ... Views: 1278
It's okay to use notes when presenting, especially if you're speaking on a new topic or to a new audience. The key to using notes effectively is what is included in your notes and how you use them. The following ten tips will help you use notes effectively to remember the key points of your ... Views: 2420
Language is a tool that helps you communicate your message to your audience. Sloppy and imprecise language, however, can interfere with your communication. Here are six tips for eliminating sloppy language:
1. Mind your grammar
You don't have to be a grammarian to follow basic grammar ... Views: 1390
"You can't start a fire sitting down" is an old cliché that I used in graduate school to explain to the supervising professor why I taught my American history class section standing up. (I also thought to myself, "it's harder for them to shoot a moving target.") The professor preferred that I ... Views: 1335
Self-confidence is a crucial element in public speaking success. You are not speaking just to hear yourself talk – you are speaking because you have something to say. Before you can command the attention of your audience, you have to believe that you have a message that is worth listening to ... Views: 1329
Here are 10 tips to improve your public speaking skills, whether you are presenting at work, giving a toast at a wedding or receiving an award.
1. Have a Message
What is the one thing that you want the audience to remember from your presentation? Put it into one sentence and you have your ... Views: 1577
During election season here in the U.S., one of my clients, the CEO of a nonprofit organization, was invited to film an endorsement for a candidate's television commercial. Her role was to introduce herself and her organization and explain why she supports the candidate. She was happy to ... Views: 1137
I worked with an entrepreneur recently who is offering a new workshop with a colleague. Her part of the workshop includes kicking it off, with about 10 minutes allocated for her workshop introduction.
Here are 4 ingredients that should be included in a workshop introduction (which you can ... Views: 1527
Relevant and engaging stories can be a compelling part of your presentation – whether you are presenting at a board meeting, an industry conference or an awards banquet.
Here are 7 steps to follow to make your storytelling successful:
1. Pick a relevant story. Think about the story from ... Views: 1388
I recently returned from Italy where I facilitated training in Rome for a global client – more than 50 employees came from Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Holland and Portugal. I also spent a few days touring and sightseeing.
When I left the U.S., my Italian language skills were ... Views: 2630
While presenting at the National Speakers Association (NSA) Convention in Orlando, I was able to hear dozens of presentations and speeches. The experience led me to think about what makes a presentation or speech effective, which I define as the ability to communicate your message clearly in a ... Views: 15137
When you give a presentation, how does the audience know you're done? If you're half-heartedly saying, "any questions?" as a means to signal that you're done speaking, then you're missing the opportunity to finish strong.
Here are techniques for ending your presentation strongly so the ... Views: 1607
Ever feel like you're presenting on "auto-pilot"? Or like you've gotten to the point where you present okay, but still feel like you could do better?
Here are four suggestions for taking your presentations from okay to outstanding, so you can really connect with the audience and convey ... Views: 1140
Two of my current presentation skills coaching clients struggle with self-confidence. They are both talented, smart, successful professional women. One has a Ph.D. in Engineering and over 20 years of experience in the electronics industry and the other is a CEO of a highly successful company. ... Views: 1257
In a presentation skills program a few weeks ago, someone asked me, "Gilda, how do I introduce myself at the start of my presentation to warm up the audience and establish credibility?" Contrary to what you might think, the answers do not include a lengthy recital of all your achievements or a ... Views: 1550
In my presentation skills training programs, people often ask me, "Should I start my presentation with a joke?" My immediate response is "No!"
Now I'm a fan of humor as much as anyone – and in fact, probably more than most people, since I've been performing onstage with an improv comedy ... Views: 1479
Management by walking around (MBWA) is a common management practice that can be very helpful in managing and engaging employees, setting a good example, and staying in touch with what's really happening with employees.
It means that the manager leaves his or her office to go out "onto the ... Views: 2213
Sometimes you have to introduce yourself in 60 seconds or less. This type of introduction is not your "elevator speech" – it's a brief introduction only long enough to outline the basics.
For example, at some networking events, everyone sits around a large table and then each person stands ... Views: 1601
Have you ever seen a speaker run out of time because he or she spent too much time answering very basic or very advanced questions that were irrelevant to most of the audience?
For example, a few years ago, I attended a presentation on using LinkedIn. The program description promised an ... Views: 1325
The first few minutes of your presentation are some of the most important – when you have the opportunity to make a good first impression and capture the audience’s attention. In those crucial few minutes, the audience will decide whether what you have to say is worth listening to.
Here are ... Views: 1414
The last few minutes of your presentation are important - when you have the final opportunity to make your point and leave a lasting impression on the audience.
Here are 3 ways NOT to end your presentation:
1. “Any questions…?”
First of all, don’t ask for questions if you don’t really ... Views: 1532
Many people who speak in front of groups could be more effective communicators if they used a microphone. If the audience has to struggle to hear you, it will be difficult for you to communicate your message effectively.
Many things can make it difficult for the audience to hear you, such ... Views: 2557
In public speaking, using your voice effectively can help you communicate your message clearly to your audience. Voice is an important component of your non-verbal communications, or body language, and can express a wide range of meaning and emotion. The following five tips will help you use ... Views: 4205
Storytelling can be a very effective tool in presentations. Evocative, relevant stories can engage your audience and help you clearly communicate your message. Here are three tips for effective storytelling:
1. Make it relevant
In order to manage the vast amount of information they ... Views: 1523
How do you handle the questions that come up during or after your presentation?
Handled effectively, questions can be an important part of your presentation, allowing you to clarify a point, expand on your ideas or provide another example. They also can demonstrate that the audience members ... Views: 1642
A few days before a play or musical opens, the entire cast and crew conduct a dress rehearsal. They do a complete run-through of the script on stage, dressed in their costumes, with the full scenery and lighting in place and the pit orchestra playing. The purpose of the dress rehearsal is to ... Views: 2678
One of the most common mistakes that speakers make is to go over their time limit. However, sometimes a speaker makes the opposite mistake, by not speaking long enough. A colleague recently sent me the following email describing her experience with a speaker who spoke too little.
"Hi, ... Views: 1432
Your voice has the ability to convey an incredible range of meaning and emotion when you present. It's an important part of your non-verbal communications, or body language, and can help you can communicate your message clearly and effectively to your audience.
Avoid these five common ... Views: 2921
What should I do with my hands when I'm presenting?" is a common question that I hear when I'm teaching public speaking. Your hands form an important part of your non-verbal communication, or body language, and can help you convey confidence and communicate more effectively to your audience. ... Views: 3577
When you've giving a presentation, your words can affect your ability to communicate your message to your audience. If you want to be a more effective presenter, avoid these four types of words:
Filler words are words such as "um," "ah," "like," "so," and "ok," which are used ... Views: 5578
Non-verbal communication, or body language, is an important part of public speaking. Your body language includes your posture, movement, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and voice. At the very least, your body language should not distract the audience and with a little practice, it ... Views: 5702