Rhonda Byrne wrote about it in her follow up to "The Secrect" known as "The Power". Celine Dion sang about it. Epic poems are written about it. Religions are founded on it. People search their entire lives to find it. What is this "it" we're talking about? Marci Shimoff sums it up in her ... Views: 1825
A major factor to anyone’s success in life is who they spend time with consistently. Mainly, the people you are closest to. These people make up your Inner Circle or your Circle of Influence. We all understand that when trying to make changes, or change our way of thinking and being, ... Views: 3051
You came here to be a deliberate/conscious creator and to embrace your magnificence. However, if you are experiencing a life of lack and struggle, you have not embraced that magnificence within. You have not yet recognized that who you really are is the physical expression of the Divine and an ... Views: 3292
Spring represents energy of opening, awakening, and newness. There is excitement for what is about to bloom. What "has been" and "what is" can be replaced with what "can be." As Nature gives birth so can we give birth by
releasing all that no longer serves us and inviting in new beliefs, ... Views: 1317
Let’s face it, change is stressful and most of us want to avoid it like the plague. We love the status quo, even if it’s uncomfortable for us. We’ve become accustomed to the “devil you know” attitude and we don’t welcome or embrace the opportunity for something new. However, we also know that ... Views: 1692
We already understand that having the desire is the first step in deliberate creation. What we tend to struggle with is allowing our desires to flow to us. We get so caught up in the "how", we don't allow ourselves to be guided and "go with the flow". Let's face it; we weren't raised with ... Views: 1431
How you tell the story of your life seems to be a common message but it's a vital message that bears repeating and repeating often. When your health is not what you want it to be, it's so easy to allow yourself to slip into speaking of how horrible you feel but to attract the wellness you so ... Views: 1192
Emotions are powerful communication from Spirit but how often do we really pay attention to how we’re feeling? Sure, it’s easy to notice when we’re at either extreme on the emotional scale but what about those subtle shifts? Are you really paying attention to how you feel and do you fully ... Views: 2203
The Holidays are upon us and with the hustle and bustle of this time of year; it is also a time of reflection. We reflect upon what was accomplished, what wasn’t, what we want to achieve in the coming year and even some possible future envisioning of where we want to go. However, how much time ... Views: 1246
I bet you're asking "How can I focus on the solution when I don't know what the solution is? I have this problem, how the heck am I supposed to feel good?" It's not always easy to make that shift from feeling negativity to feeling more positive but you cannot see the solution while in the ... Views: 1200
Your only purpose in life is to be joyful! Wow, what a relief that is! How wonderful to know that all I have to worry about is being happy! Doesn't that just lift the weight of the world off your shoulders?
So, many of us struggle with what our purpose in life is supposed to be. We wonder ... Views: 1673
Emotional Healing is a very powerful concept. In getting to a place of peace with your past or present, you shift your vibration in a powerful way. You open the door for the Universe to shower you with all things wonderful and uplifting. You are no longer blocking the flow of your well-being ... Views: 992
I so love going to a concert and listening to the orchestra. I find myself so swept away by the beauty of it all. It amazes me how all the parts come together to produce the work of art we get to experience with our own ears. When watching a play, I can achieve that same feeling. All the ... Views: 1206
So, what is the story that you're telling about your life? When someone asks you "how's it going?” what do you say? It's almost an automatic reaction to discuss what's not going so well, after all, we're bombarded with negative talk all day long. It's on the radio while driving to work, it's ... Views: 979
We make decisions all the time...every second of every day...day in and day out. But are we examining those decisions we make in regards to how they affect our vibration? Do we take the time to examine our beliefs when we make those decisions? The decisions we make are a reflection of our ... Views: 1245
Focus, focus, focus! There is power in focus! How many times have we all heard that? I know I've heard that many times in my life. As a creative person, I tend to have so many ideas flowing through me at once that it is difficult to focus on just one thing at a time. Because of this, I've ... Views: 1179
The safest principle through life, instead of reforming others, is to set about perfecting yourself." - B.R.Haydon
So, how does the above quote reference the importance of personal growth and development? Well, very simply, we must stop trying to expect other people to change so that we ... Views: 1518
Our thoughts are truly powerful. They have their own vibrational frequency that when focused upon, grows in strength. So what gives our thoughts power? Our emotions are the fuel. When we feel good, the thoughts we think are empowering and uplifting. When we feel bad, the thoughts we think ... Views: 1462
So, what is the story that YOU tell about YOUR life? Are you telling the story of what IS or do you tell the story of what is BECOMING? Remember, the Law of Attraction brings to you what you focus upon, whether it's wanted or not. You cannot continue to beat the drum of what is and expect what ... Views: 1155
I want what I want and I want it NOW! How many times have you thought that? Or better yet, I've been imagining, holding positive thoughts, saying my affirmations, taking action but what I want hasn't manifested yet! Where's my stuff?!?
If this is how you find yourself feeling, you’re not ... Views: 1310
I bet you're asking "How can I focus on the solution when I don't know what the solution is? I have this problem, how the heck am I supposed to feel good?" It's not always easy to make that shift from feeling negativity to feeling more positive but you cannot see the solution while in the ... Views: 1181
The world in which we now reside is the result of all the desires/creations of those that came before. For me, this seems to be a time of a "great awakening". Humanity is evolving and this is very exciting. More and more are beginning to become aware that there is so much more than what our ... Views: 1270
Schools are coming to the end of their school year and the time for family barbeques, weekend get-a-ways and family vacations are very much upon us. We work hard all year long, raising our families, taking care of them, doing our jobs both in and out of the home as well as within our own ... Views: 1221
When I was a teenager, I remember questioning in my bible study class. My question pertained to the validity of Christianity. In other words I asked "How do we know our religion is the right one? Is there really a 'right religion' versus a 'wrong religion'? What makes us so sure that our way ... Views: 1479
Practicing gratitude as a means to happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support the effectiveness of gratitude, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in all aspects of your life, including having a higher sense of overall ... Views: 1291
Oh the power of choice. While we may not feel as if we have a choice over what we experience, we always have the choice of how we feel and therefore react to the experience. When you choose to make feeling good your top priority, reaching for thoughts that consistently move you up the ... Views: 1265
As we age, we are taught to become dutiful members of society. We are taught what behaviors are acceptable, how to sensor ourselves so as not to offend, how to conform to the rules and regulations of the society in which we live. We lose our awe and wonder....our innocence.
It’s important ... Views: 1616
As we sense an ending in our lives, it is normal to feel a certain amount of grief and a bit of anxiety for what may come. Afterall, we're about to step into "unknown territory" and that can be a daunting prospect. Moving out of what had become our comfort zone can be a challenge but life ... Views: 1419
How many times have we all heard, read, or been told to develop an "Attitude of Gratitude" and our lives will be the richer for it? How many of us have actually done that? - and I mean really developed that ability to appreciate anything and everything - to see the positive in all ... Views: 1312
Fear: It can be paralyzing, demoralizing. It can make you feel hopeless, powerless, a victim. But is fear really that powerful? Here is a quote to ponder:
"Fear cannot take what you do not give it." ~Christopher Coan
If the above is truly the case, why do we give fear so much power? ... Views: 1111
When we first discover the Law of Attraction and the power we have to attract what we want, we often expect instantaneous results. Results are rarely instantaneous. This isn’t because God/Source/All-That-Is cannot deliver because once we ask; it is given – every time…without question! It is ... Views: 1675
I know what you’re all thinking. “What did she say? Is she serious?” As a matter of fact, I am very serious. Spring has sprung, and in this season of rebirth and regeneration, why not take advantage of what Nature has to offer?
We all know that being out in Nature has a calming effect. ... Views: 1927
I will be turning 50 this year and have been spending some time doing some "inner/reflective" work and part of that process has been defining what's important to me - which is essentially what Passion and Purpose means.
For me, as I enter this new chapter in my life, Passion and Purpose ... Views: 1796
You’ve been exposed to the concept that “everything is energy” and you’ve been told we live in a “vibrational universe”. You’ve been introduced to the Law of Attraction and that to attract what you desire; you need to be in vibrational alignment with your desire. Sure, easy as pie, right? ... Views: 6945
How we experience reality is determined by the beliefs we hold and the “lenses” through which we choose to view the world. Our Mindset is the key to the lives we lead so are you holding the mindset of a Creator or a Victim?
The Creator Mindset takes responsibility for their reality. The ... Views: 13974
Do you know what your underlying beliefs, thoughts, and feelings are when it comes to money? Does money flow to you easily and effortlessly? Do you feel good when you think about money? If not, then perhaps it’s time to decipher your money vibration.
Money, as with all things, is energy. ... Views: 1896
I posed a question on my Facebook page where I asked “If you knew you couldn’t fail what would your life be like?” The responses I received were very interesting. Some stated that they would take more risks. Others said they would go for their dreams, pursue their passions. These statements ... Views: 1885
Oh the many times I have asked myself that question. I can’t see it, touch it, hear it so how can it be real? I am speaking, of course, about all the “mystical” experiences I have had over these last 7 years. So many times I thought I was losing my mind….going off the “deep end”….waiting for ... Views: 1480