What are Links?
Links are other websites that link to your website. These are called 'incoming links', or 'backlinks'.
It is an effective tool to have other sites linking to you.
What is Link Building?
An effective link building program can include different types of links:
Reciprocal ... Views: 2164
Google, MSN and Yahoo look at four main factors when ranking a site:
Link Building
Inbound links pointing to your website.
Meta Tags
Meta Description and Keywords tags - The search engines see them, but visitors don't.
Each page of your site should have a different Title, using ... Views: 1535
What is the best way to design a website for Google, MSN and Yahoo? What do the search engines look for when ranking a site? The hierarchy and navigation of a website is important to the search engines. Building your site using the techniques described in this article will enhance your sites ... Views: 1570