Twice in as many weeks I have been referred to as the Queen of Operations. That’s a title I’ll take. Business Operations, as defined by, are the activities involved in the day to day functions of the business conducted for the purpose of generating profits. ... Views: 1340
Is there anything more important than visibility to the solo entrepreneur? Your first reaction might be… yeah, sales. That would be putting the cart before the horse. People can’t do business with you if they don’t know about you. It starts being visible.
Solo entrepreneurs can’t afford to ... Views: 1394
How far are you willing to go to get the word out about your business? How about 18 miles? That’s how many miles my client walked to distribute 1000 fliers to market her business. Impressive. She’s going to do it 7 more times.
We built a marketing campaign that’s perfect for her business. ... Views: 1119
When it comes to building a business, solo entrepreneurs face decisions every day. We need to decide if we want to take on a certain client, who we want to partner with for joint ventures, or if we want to take on a new marketing project. One reason businesses suffer from indecision or poor ... Views: 1691
Are you doing the same thing over and over hoping for different results? If so, that’s the definition of insanity. If you’re trying to improve something you need a plan that will get you out of the rut. Otherwise you could get stuck in an ongoing circle that goes nowhere.
You don’t want a ... Views: 1364
One reason many people go into business for themselves is that they have a strong independent streak and want to do things their way (or, is that just me?). However, that drive for independence can also be a detriment. One of the downfalls of being a solo entrepreneur can be not having other ... Views: 4139
One reason many people go into business for themselves is that they have a strong independent streak and want to do things their way (or, is that just me?). However, that drive for independence can also be a detriment. One of the downfalls of being a solo entrepreneur can be not having other ... Views: 2645
I was recently asked to speak to a team of independent distributors for a health and wellness company to give them some step by step action steps to get them ready to tackle a 90-day challenge that will help them achieve their next level of success. The challenge involves giving away 90 ... Views: 2315
Key Performance Indicators, or KPI’s, are quantifiable measures that tell you how your business is doing. The numbers should measure your overall company goals and objectives which is one important element of a business plan. If you don’t know what you are working toward you have no way of ... Views: 1347
This is especially for women solo professionals and may be suffering from doubt and insecurity about their worth and ability to succeed. By definition a solo professional is someone who is alone in their business and that can be an unsettling place to be especially if you’re starting out. As I ... Views: 1257
For many business women pinpointing a target market can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. In reality it’s right there in plain sight. Smack in the middle of “everyone”. Your target market is, of course, the bullseye. It is the smallest point but has the biggest payoff. Sure, you ... Views: 1753
If you could reduce your staff’s wasted time by just five minutes every hour, productivity would jump 8.3 percent. Efficiency levels would also rise as staff members began to devote more time to completing critical tasks.
The advantages of efficient time management go beyond squeezing more ... Views: 1378
What does it mean to listen effectively? It means that you are in the moment and open to the message that is coming your way. When you are listening effectively you are receiving, interpreting, and responding appropriately to the message that is being given. The type of response required, or ... Views: 3104
Expectations, Standards, Goals, Measures, Criteria, Benchmarks, Accountabilities. Whatever you call them, make sure you have them.
Setting expectations is the foundation of good management skills. First, it shows that you are confident about what you want and you are able to make decisions. ... Views: 1661
Tired of coming up with great ideas that never see the light of day? Have a great idea but no idea how to take it from concept to reality? Business objectives that need to be met but you don’t have a plan? Don’t give up! Learn how to achieve your goals the SMART way.
It’s the time of year ... Views: 1342
For effective communication, check your messages for the 3 C’s – clear, concise, consistent. It is a waste of time to speak to an audience whose eyes are glazing over because they are overwhelmed with the amount and flow of information you are providing and meaningless to write communications ... Views: 16918
A question was raised recently about what causes employee disengagement and what can be done about it. This is a broad subject and requires investigating the root cause of the disengagement before the best course of action can be determined. The danger of applying a one-size-fits-all approach ... Views: 3082