I have given a workshop by the above name, and I came up with the idea because I believed that making resolutions is based in resisting or trying to avoid something. In order to make a difference in our lives, we have to see and accept ourselves as we are, and then make a conscious decision to ... Views: 1319
Life is like a landscape, and it would be a boring life if it were all flat. We can appreciate the flat because we know the hills and the valleys, just as we appreciate hot because we know cold, light because we know dark and happiness because we know depression.
Every day we can choose the ... Views: 1203
I have five rose rushes in pots in my yard. It is interesting to watch the way they grow (or don't). Now these were rescue rose bushes - I got them in one of those very cheap way-too-late for bare root roses sales. I looked at all the ones that were available and picked the ones that had some ... Views: 1309