Your body has about 206 skeletal bones, which vary in length, thickness, and shape. In these bones are your red blood cells, bone marrow, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. Magnesium is the silvery white metallic element that works with calcium to provide the necessary support to your bones and ... Views: 754
Back pain is one of the most common ailments that people complain about, but many times your doctor may fail to pinpoint the exact cause of your back pain, thus preventing you from getting lasting cure. One of the reasons why doctors experience some difficulty in identifying the cause of your ... Views: 689
Shower chairs can provide you with a great deal of comfort while taking a bath. Just think about how many times your legs felt as if they were going to give way while you were in the shower. There may even have been instances when you were temporarily incapacitated due to an injury and had to be ... Views: 2083
Are you experiencing back pain? You might be in need of back support. Back braces and other back support devices are specifically designed to provide stability and limit your range of motion in the spine whenever necessary. One of the most common cases where such support is needed is in the ... Views: 886
Musculoskeletal and neurological conditions are among the most common medical problems that cause back pain. However, those are not the only conditions that lead to back pain. In fact, muscle disorders such as multiple myeloma can also cause back pain. Read on to find out exactly how this ... Views: 906
What are fractures and how are they related to back pain? Fractures are simply defined as breaks or cracks in the permanence of bones. There are, however, several types of fractures you can suffer from, namely: pathologic, complete, incomplete, avulsion, compressed, depressed, comminuted, ... Views: 868
People with physical disabilities often don’t consider the bathroom as a very friendly place. That’s because they’re afraid of slipping and falling in the bathroom, especially since they no longer have complete control of their motor functions. The shower area is especially challenging to these ... Views: 1638
Are you having problems bathing in the shower? Shower chairs, shower seats, or shower stools might be your answer. These safety furniture are well-designed for elderly care or for people with disability. You can use them too, and never worry about accidents in the shower. They are easy to use ... Views: 818
Musculoskeletal and neurological conditions are among the most common medical problems that cause back pain. However, those are not the only conditions that lead to back pain. In fact, muscle disorders such as multiple myeloma can also cause back pain. Read on to find out exactly how this ... Views: 1587
Back pain can be caused by several different factors, and the sad thing is that some of these factors are the daily habits that you often just take for granted. To help alleviate back pain and prevent further occurrences, take note of these five common everyday habits that may hurt your ... Views: 1042
As people put more and more pressure on their bodies, muscle damage and injuries has become an almost normal part of the modern lifestyle. Think about it this way: If athletes who spend considerable time training their bodies and are arguably in top physical condition can get hurt one way or ... Views: 810
Whatever type of pain it entails and whatever the cause, back pain can definitely make it very difficult for you to focus on your work, thus affecting your productivity. The bad news is that a majority of modern occupations can place some considerable demands on your back, and routine office ... Views: 764
All individuals are likely to experience back pain at some point in their lives. For this reason, you need to educate yourself on the various methods of preventing or relieving back pain. Prevention is, of course, so much better that cure. Unfortunately, one can’t always prevent back pain. That ... Views: 1166
You may already have heard of lumbar support a number of times, but you may not yet fully understand it. If this is the case, then this article is just right for you. Here we will give you a brief discussion regarding the lumbar area, its function in your body, and why you need to provide it ... Views: 3039
A lot of people suffer from back pain, which is why many of us are now searching for the best lumbar support for back pain. But, the first step towards true relief from back aches and pains is realizing that the problem most often stems from our own mistakes. Think about it. You usually bend ... Views: 745
Sometimes, back pain is the result of something that is quite easy to remedy. All you might be needing is a product that is specially designed to ease back pain problems.
People have a tendency to slouch forward, especially when remaining seated for a prolonged period, which is why lumbar ... Views: 827
Back pain is sometimes due to a condition known as sciatica. If you suffer from sciatica then you may be wondering if lumbar support devices can help relieve you of the condition. To find out if it can and what kind of relief it can actually give you, let us first look at what causes sciatica in ... Views: 1375
Understanding back pain and its possible causes is a first step on the road to pain relief. Learn how something as innocuous as an office chair could cause you body pains.
Over the years, our knowledge about what causes back pain has evolved and expanded. In the past, people believed ... Views: 1014
When people talk about epidemics, they seldom mention back pain. But the truth is that they should because back pain has definitely reached epidemic proportions. Millions of work days are lost each year due to this problem and billions of dollars are spent by people all over the world for ... Views: 965
If you’re curious about what lumbar support actually is, then you’ve definitely come to the right place. Here we will tell you all about lumbar support and why it is important. First off, the definition of terms. The simplest definition of lumbar support is that it is support for your lower back ... Views: 875
Back pain is one of the most common problems that plague people these days. Are you one of these people who have or are experiencing back pain? Perhaps the biggest problem associated with this condition is that we understand so little about it. We are often unaware that some of the things that ... Views: 783
Most people these days live lifestyles that place a lot of pressure on their bodies, particularly their backs. Whether you hold a blue collar job or sit at your office desk all day, you are surely putting your body at constant risk of muscle damage and injury with your repetitive daily routine. ... Views: 727
If you are suffering from back pain, you might be wondering the possible causes. If you think it is due to multiple sclerosis, here are some questions to ask yourself.
What is multiple sclerosis and how is it associated with back pain? Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disease that ... Views: 840
The back pain you are feeling now could be due to a lot of things. Plenty of contributing factors can cause this condition. Among the many causes of back pain is gouty arthritis, a form of arthritis that is characterized by deposits of needle-like uric acid crystals. These acid crystals are ... Views: 1171
As more and more people complain of lower back pain, the need for appropriate lower back support continues to rise. While pain in the lower back may start off with a mild feeling of discomfort, especially when you have to remain seated for prolonged periods, it can gradually escalate into ... Views: 1883
How does lumbar support save you from back pain? Before we answer that question, it may be necessary for you to know what the most common causes of back pain are. After all, learning what causes a problem is often the best way to determine the best solution and prevent further occurrence. So, ... Views: 1041
Whenever you experience back pain, the first thing you need to do is identify the cause. This can help you get appropriate treatment. One common cause of back pain is a slipped disk, which is known in medical terms as Herniated Nucleus Pulposa (HNP). This condition is defined as a rupture in the ... Views: 753