Perhaps you have an important date tomorrow, a school or work photo shoot or perhaps you are even getting married, but a massive mountainous spot has just erupted on your face. Do not panic! You may not be able to cure it overnight but you sure can cover it up.
Here is how to cover up that ... Views: 3051
One of the most simplest ways to avoid developing acne is to make sure you are squeaky clean. Spots are due to many different reasons, hormones, genetics, stress, low immune system, diet etc. However, many people do not realise that the most common cause of painful pimples is the build up of ... Views: 910
The key to curing any form of acne fast and effectively you need to find an effective acne treatment that actually works.
There are some really excellent acne treatments out there but unfortunately they have been completely drowned out by a sea of ineffective treatments.
I suffered with acne ... Views: 758
We have all suffered or are currently suffering from acne right now, but do you know what actually causes it?
Of course spots can be due to hundreds of different factors, as we are all different, however there are some top culprits…
The most Common Causes of Acne
Stress is a ... Views: 745
By now you have probably been absolutely bombarded with tips and tricks on how to cure acne simply and quickly. But what are the best steps to take first? Which ones are worth the time and effort, and in some cases the money?
Well if you suffer from any form of acne, whether is it a simple ... Views: 786
It may sound very bizarre, but did you know that toothpaste can cure acne, sometimes over night!
I bet this statement has raised a few eyebrows, it certainly did mine, but it is no myth that toothpaste can, and will, heal a stubborn spot.
So if you are currently nursing a big red pimple ... Views: 1324
If you are keen to find out exactly how to get rid acne naturally, then you are in luck.
Thanks to the olden days, where people had no way to make or get access to posh, chemical acne medications, we now know a few effective methods to cure acne with only natural ingredients.
In this ... Views: 772
Neck acne is a pretty common disease like the other acne's that infect many parts of the body. People in ancient times tried to so cure blemishes with natural and herbal remedies that they grew. Normally, all of these nonprescription products work well in curing face acne in both men and women. ... Views: 2002
Are you thirsty?
Obey your thirst, with lemon juice!
Confused? Lemon juice can be used as flavor for your drinks that can not only make you feel fresh but it can also clear acne and make your skin glow. Lemon juice is a ancient acne home remedy. It's cheap, easy to get hold of and really ... Views: 931
Are you knowledgeable about acne treatment?
There are several ways to cure nasty acne without medications or dermatologist prescriptions. Many people prefer to only use an acne treatment that contains natural ingredients. Despite many medical acne pills and topical treatments being effective, ... Views: 665
Scouring the Internet looking for 'How To Cure Acne', you can easily get lost in a sea of suggestions an hyped up acne treatments.
After suffering with painful cystic acne for years, i have managed to get a good idea of what works and what is a complete waste of time.
Follow these acne ... Views: 797