When a person experiences the negativity of depression, his or her natural reaction is to look for an instant cure. Fortunately, today there exists effective medication for depression, but that doesn’t excuse a conscious patient from actively participating in healing. A study of depression ... Views: 2648
Would you do something that improved your condition 10%? Then, if you did one thing with that improvement, would you do three more things? I have a chronic illness myself, MS, which really has no medical cure. I do, though, have the ability to change the way I interpret my condition and how I ... Views: 2112
When the essence of your life, which is consciousness, connects to something, a commitment is formed. A superficial level of commitment happens when your consciousness connects to the thoughts of something and you are just left committed to your own mind. The most common example of a deeper ... Views: 1840
We are often challenged when we face something to do that we have not been prepared for. When most of us prepare for a challenge, we think of what we can do. I want to propose a way to prepare for challenges that involves developing oneself on a subconscious level. If we could prepare to develop ... Views: 4248
I define consciousness as our life force. When you take away all of our distractions and limitations, we become more conscious. It isn’t that consciousness evolves, for it is we who evolve to be conscious. From our most intelligent thoughts to our best perceptions, we appreciate them because we ... Views: 1969
When we face difficult times, how we perceive the situation we are in may cause depression. It is not what happens in the world around us, what other people say or the promise of a dismal future, but by our own mind. When we focus on our thoughts, our own brains create our experience. If you ... Views: 1561
Think of a wheel with a hundred spokes all meeting at the center. Each spoke represents a different aspect of you, but the center represents your self image, where all your thoughts are directed. You may think differently on each spoke, but all of your thoughts are directed to your self image. ... Views: 1253
When our consciousness runs with familiar habits, boredom seldom exists. It is when consciousness doesn’t benefit from the old habits and you lack interest or purpose in what you do. Boredom is basically getting stuck in your mind with nothing to do and you lack the courage to explore the ... Views: 3085
The idea of facing a challenge and feeling as though you are given a second chance develops because of your perspective. Too often, we look for external situations to be the reason we have a second chance, but what happens within your brain creates the feeling as though you can deal with this ... Views: 1363
The most spiritual people I know don’t have to talk about spirituality to be spiritual. I sense them in the moment and their focus inspires me. I used to go to philosophical geniuses to satisfy that thirst, but now I find it in the people I love. Their expression of the heart directly talks to ... Views: 1839
Happiness is the simplest expression of life without the limitations of our mind. Unfortunately, most people are used to looking for happiness outside of themselves. In this article, we will explore the reality of finding happiness within. For most people, happiness depends on their interaction ... Views: 1611
Thinking is the vehicle our consciousness travels in when our ego does the driving. That is how we get what we want...but that is actually a very small part of life. Attraction happens when our consciousness is not locked into our thought patterns. Let me share how the power of being attracted ... Views: 1050
We all possess an amazing power to create the world we live in. The simple act of how we interpret what happens to us is usually subconscious. When you face a challenge you cannot control (like a chronic illness, losing your job or the decision of another person); you can always control the way ... Views: 1311
We live in a world where value is captured in thoughts or it goes unnoticed. Imagine really desiring something without being able to express it in words. Desires have power when they are put into words. Because our focus is on thinking most of the time , we would seldom strive for what we ... Views: 1502
When you face a challenge you cannot control (like a chronic illness, losing your job or the decision of another person); you can always control the way you interpret your perception of what happens. Victims are people that accept what happens as the only reality they deal with. The empowered ... Views: 1213
Our Intellect, regardless of how developed it is, seldom taps our powerful inner resources as we face challenges. The power of a confident self image is not an idea. The empowerment of simple self trust does not come from intellectual understanding. The ability to focus accurately does not come ... Views: 1502
Self-growth requires the energy our focus creates. How we focus our awareness is how we activate our inner resources. When we focus on our thoughts, we activate more thinking. When we focus beyond thinking, we activate the Wisdom of our Body. In sports, that places us in the Zone. In healing, ... Views: 995
The purpose of this article is to help people with disabilities who may be surrounded by loving, quality support identify an emptiness they may experience because they live in a different reality.
There is a significant difference between understanding a person and accepting them. To really ... Views: 1245
My Dad built houses and I worked for him as I grew up. I learned a valuable lesson watching someone’s dreams manifest; you have to build on a strong foundation for the dream to become a reality. We too often have a goal and forget that how we relate to that goal is an essential ingredient. How ... Views: 1384
The medical profession today is an amazing resource in healing. I define a victim as the person who only looks outside for the solutions to their problem. If a person gets excellent medical care and they only look outside, they can become a victim. The empowered patient actively participates ... Views: 966
After I studied what the Obama health plan entails, I want to identify an additional important perspective. As president of Life Skills Institute, I have been working with the chronically ill and disabled for over 25 years. The focus of my work is to help people in a health crisis connect to ... Views: 1366
The disability of losing the ability to walk can be an incredible motivator or it can lock you into discouraging thoughts. There are 2 paths I found in dealing with disabilities. I could focus on the thoughts and fears of what was happening to me, which would leave me completely discouraged. Or ... Views: 1242
When people focus on their thinking, they communicate in the cultural way they were conditioned to live in. Their language, habits and values were taught to them by the people they grew up with and they tend to believe that is the correct way to think. If they were taught to go beyond thinking ... Views: 1296
I don’t think there is a situation where you don’t have a choice. If all you do is focus on thinking, it may be that you just haven’t thought about it yet, so your thoughts don’t serve you. When I find myself in that situation, my greatest choice is to focus beyond my thoughts.
When most ... Views: 1005
With two powerful words in the title, I have to start by defining what I mean by spirituality and healing. Let me define spirituality not with words, but with experiential situations. First, in spirituality something greater than your conditioned ego controls your heart. That means your thoughts ... Views: 1170
A recession is an illness our country has and we have to participate in healing it as if we were sick. When dealing with an illness, people have to go beyond their conditioned habits and tap their inner resources to become an active part of the healing process. Our nation, actually the world, ... Views: 1085