Today, more than ever, we need to learn how to handle fear. We are definitely a frightened people and our fear seems to be increasing every day. If we don't learn how to confront and control fear, we risk losing our emotional and physical health and ultimately the joy of living.
A life ... Views: 1279
There are three things that all young people strongly dislike.
1. Being preached to
2. Being put down by others, especially parents and teachers
3. Being yelled at
As parents we know how difficult it can be to refrain from doing all three. When we’re angry things just come ... Views: 2429
There are three things that all young people strongly dislike.
1. Being preached to
2. Being put down by others, especially parents and teachers
3. Being yelled at
As parents we know how difficult it can be to refrain from doing all three. When we’re angry things just come ... Views: 2429
It seem that the only time people are open to change is when what they have always done no longer works for them. In other words when our needs are no longer being met by previous behaviors, thought patterns or procedures.
Your task as a CEO or manager is to show your staff that this applies to ... Views: 15023
I recently met a middle aged woman who had been a manager in a large international company for over 25 years. In all that time she has received positive evaluations and performance assessments from her supervisors. Carol loved her job and worked long hours, seldom missed work due to illness ... Views: 4190
Open Door Policy? Open Mind Policy? By Mike Moore
I was giving a presentation on “ the Value of Recognition” to the office workers of a large Canadian City. The City Commissioner ended his welcome to those present with these words, “ I have an open door policy so I want to encourage you to ... Views: 1712
Some people enjoy drawing attention to themselves by trying to trip you up on a fact or statistic during your presentation. A few will find something you say threatening to their secure view of the universe and want you to know that “ You are dead wrong!!” When this happens it is important to ... Views: 1819
Of all the marketing methods I employ to get the word out about my speaking service and my information products the method I enjoy most involves being interviewed on radio stations throughout North America. The reason they are so enjoyable? They can be done from home over the phone while ... Views: 2042
As Neil Diamond sang in his song Song Sung Blue “ Me and you are subject to the blues now and then...” Awe the blues!! Those feelings of joylessness, hopelessness, and blahness. They usually occur after a happy event, on the occurrence of something sad or simply for no other reason than it’s ... Views: 1585
No matter how long you have been speaking there are still lessons to be learned and I learned a huge one earlier this month in the province of Manitoba. I was booked to do two, one hour presentations to the Eastern Manitoba Dairy Farmers annual conference in the beautiful little town of ... Views: 1515
While I am always on the lookout for ways to market myself as a speaker it is often a time consuming task and one I am not overly fond of. Once in awhile something you do inadvertently turns out to be an effective marketing
strategy. Let me explain.
Last summer I was driving alone through ... Views: 1733
I find that brief, humorous one-liners tend to fit better into the flow of a speech than longer forms of humor and are much easier to use, especially for beginners. Here are a few examples of one line humor and how I connect them to various speech topics. The first thing I do is take a look at ... Views: 9171
* Teaching has become a highly stressful and unhappy
profession for many. I have heard teachers say repeatedly that teaching isn’t fun any more. Teacher stress can result from a number of stimuli ranging from dwindling resources, financial cutbacks, ever increasing expectations, lack of ... Views: 8058
When I first began to speak for a living I found it difficult to remember the names of the people who hired me or those I met during refreshment break or during the chit chat session at the end of my presentation. I knew I had to do something to improve my memory. How could I continue to speak ... Views: 1507
No one can motivate anyone to do anything. All a person can do for another is provide them with incentives to motivate themselves. Here are ten very effective strategies to help you get up and get moving toward actualizing your enormous, ... Views: 2314
Humor has long been considered one of the most effective tools to judge the quality of any relationship. If there is laughter present you can assume that the relationship is a healthy one. When the laughter ceases you can be quite certain that the relationship is on the down slide. This ... Views: 2673
When I first started my speaking career I had to fight constantly the urge to tell my audience everything I knew on the subject at hand within the one hour assigned to me. After the contract had been signed and the topic defined the conflict began. What content should I include? Which stories ... Views: 3890