Awareness, as I’ve said before, is your best shot at a solution to life’s problems -- at least those problems that have a solution. With enough awareness, you either see how you’re creating a problem, or you see that there’s nothing you can do about it. Both are valuable.
There are certain ... Views: 813
What the quickest, easiest way to give yourself Type 2 diabetes (or make it much worse if you already have it)?
Just drink a soda every day.
Research recently published in the medical journal Diabetes Care (November, 2010) found that drinking just one or two sugary drinks per ... Views: 917
How many times have you blamed someone or something else for a problem in your life?
We’ve all done it and we are conditioned to do this. It is a natural reaction…yet it is one that harms us in so many ways. Blaming others automatically puts you in a position of being a victim. It gives your ... Views: 829
There are a lot of books and guides out there with, like, a ja-zillion sex positions...
A good many of them are either anatomically impossible if you haven't been doing Yoga or gymnastics for at least 10 years, and a good many are just uncomfortable and not particularly good for sexual ... Views: 5320