Excerpt from Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World ~ “Walk the road that comes to you. Do not choose it. Do not follow it. Do not find it. Simply walk it as it comes to you. It will curve. It will bend. At times it will disappear from under your feet. And you will fly instead of walk.” ~

When I channeled those words, my first reaction was “No, I am in control of my life and I am empowered.” But as I allowed the words to penetrate, I realized that at the times when the road disappears from under my feet, I have the opportunity to fly. I can choose to struggle to get back on the road, or I can fly and experience the adventures that are there for me. I will land on that road again all too soon.

Author and Psychic Medium Carole Lynne



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Intent.com is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, Intent.com aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.