Usually, the dog barks for a number of different reasons, the one is a health issues. Stopping a dog not to bark is like making your child not to cry. Usually, a dog barking is good when it is not in excess. Like it allows the dogs to address their problems.

As dogs are unable to speak therefore they barks in order to address the problems that they are facing so that humans or other creatures around them can understand their problems and solve it with appropriate solutions.

Why Dog Barks?

Barking Dog How to Stop, first it is very important to understand why they are barking. Typically, the dog barks for a number of different reasons, however, the most appropriate one of them are.
• Dog barks when they are happy
• Dog barks when they detect a threat
• Dog barks when they feel anxiety or loneliness
• Dog barks when they want to play
• Dog barks when they feel health issues

Dog Barks when they are happy

Many times you have noticed that dog barks when they are happy, such as their beloved person arrived in their surroundings or they bark when they get a treat.
Dog Barks when they detect a threat
Dog also barks when they detect a threat such as suspicious or unknown persons arrived in their surroundings and they just want to get rid of them.

Dog Barks When they feel anxiety or loneliness
As humans cry when they feel the anxiety of loneliness the same is the case with dogs. They usually bark when they suffer from anxiety.

Dog Barks when they want to play

Dogs frequently want to play after having some meal and if you stop them from playing they usually bark so that you can let them play.

Dog Barks when they feel health issues

The Dog also barks when they experience pain or any health issues.

Barking Dog How to Stop Try Barking Collars

We have discussed all the issues that why dog barks now it is very important to address all the issues and stop dog barking. In fact, dog barking collars are the best way to make a dog not to bark. They provide slight simulation to the dog and make them not to bark.

E-Collars are the best collars to stop a barking dog as they use vibrations to stop the barking dog. They make use of an ultrasonic waves and produce an ultrasonic sound that only dogs can hear while it is un audible for humans.

E-Collar Dogs barking collars come with a remote control that allows you to control your dog via remote. They are indeed the best for barking dog how to stop and is best for the dogs who bark excessively.

However, excessive use of the E-Collar is sometimes dangerous as the use of the collars again and again on dogs will allow the dog at some point to become immune to the collars.


We have discussed why dog barks and provide you with best of the solutions that how you can make your dog not to bark. In fact, barking collars are the best if your dog barks excessively.

Author's Bio: 

Shehzad is an expert in animal behavior study. He often writes how animals can be controlled in case you are having trouble to train them.