“Nothing is as important as a sense of humor when it comes to aging well. Studies of centenarians have revealed that it’s one of the three most vital coping mechanisms that healthy individuals possess; therefore, it’s crucial to living a long, happy life.” - Loretta LaRoche

There’s so much scientific literature that supports the fact that when people laugh, “feel good” chemicals rush forth with each giggle and help the body stay well. You can even “fake it till you make it.” Your brain doesn’t really comprehend the difference between something real and something that is really happening. So watch comedy shows, read funny books, use other techniques to make yourself feel good. You can even use a Young Living essential oil blend called “Joy” to help you boost your sagging feelings.

“The joy of joys is the person of light but unmalicious humor.” - Emily Post.

Do you want to avoid getting sick during the holiday season and on into the New Year?

Humor can help your immune system function more efficiently. Laughing decreases stress chemicals, increases body temperature, which helps to fight those nasty bugs, and spreads its healing effects throughout your mindbody. Laughter helps us heal by helping us cope and connect, care and relate and really feel as others feel. Learn how to really laugh with another person and you can connect on so many different levels. He who laughs --- lasts.

One of my clients mentioned the other day that she wakes up everyday feeling joy. She also mentioned in passing that she hadn’t been sick a day since she started feeling more joyful, even though she was going through a grieving process.

Laughter helps to heal relationships that are under stress, too. Heal those “sick” relationships by sharing gentle, not silly or malicious, humor. You easily create a shared experience because if your systems are feeling the same physical effects (such as the whole cardiovascular system pulsating, chest and abdominal muscles quivering and air rushing up the windpipe at over 70 miles per hour!) you can connect with healthy and safe intimacy. You can relax together in a peaceful and joyful connection. You both share an increase in endorphins, the feel good chemicals.

A good healthy dose of laughter sustains good, healthy relationships. Our heartiest (get it? HEARTiest) laughs occur when we share humor with other people.

Was one of your New Years Resolutions to exercise more?

Did you know that 20 seconds of laughter has about the same cardiovascular benefits of 3 minutes of strenuous rowing? Work out while watching a comedy show and laughing to really boost those workout benefits.

Keep a joy journal. Find humor in all situations. Notice how much fun you have rather than how much stress you have. Become your own best friend. Wake up everyday and shout, “I’m back!” Write about your strengths.

An amazing life requires optimism and humor.

You’re too soon dead, so lighten up!

Learn energy management techniques that can help you banish those blues and immediately change what you are feeling. Call Dr. Steph today to get started.

Author's Bio: 

Stephanie is a world-wide published author, accomplished teacher and energy medicine expert.

She is currently the only energy medicine practitioner in the Colorado Roaring Fork Valley who had Dr. C. Norman Shealy as her adviser while earning a Doctorate of Theology (Th.D.) in Energy Medicine from Holos Graduate Seminary and her Ph.D. in Energy Medicine at Greenwich University.

She currently has an online program for having surgery preparation, has produced a CD series on meditation and guided imagery and also has radio interviews on self-help suggestions.