I have read a lot about fate, like anyone else, I have heard several theories supporting and refuting destiny yet no one is sure weather someone else pulls strings in our lives or we are in charge of our own ship. No one knows why some people have all the money whereas a million over don't have a penny to spare. Life is full of all possible complexities and combination of luck and misfortunes. Their must be some reason why this world is so different, we see a person on cloud nine sometimes and the same guy might be bereaving later on for something. It’s like a big conundrum subjected to discussion from centuries and yet the puzzle is incomplete. I remember a line in the movie Kung Fu Panda when old Oogway enlightens his disciple Shifu, “there are no accidents”.

The concept of fate is accepted in all religions and communities. No one knows it’s origins but wise men, over the time have described fate as result of our actions, consequences of good or bad karmas. These gurus also gave mankind various ways to uncover destiny. Palmistry, Astrology, horoscope and so many techniques has evolved over time which, to this day intrigues our basic reasoning. Very large populations of people despite their difference of faiths are fatalistic, isn’t it amazing. We see a lot of things in our lives which cannot be explained and perhaps these unsolved mysteries are attributed as will of God or fate.

Once I read a quote by Abraham Lincoln, Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. This beautiful line has a very deep meaning, people choose their way themselves, they decide what they are fated to be. Thomas Alva Edison was happy in being an inventor; he had a great desire of turning his imagination into reality. Do you think it’s an accident that a kid who had just three months of schooling and had hearing impairment, went ahead to become one of the greatest scientist in the history of mankind. Life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi changed forever when he was thrown out of a train at Pietermaritzburg. Almost every great man in history had a turning point in life and they chose to make their life different. If you are happy to become a doctor or a lawyer then it’s very highly probable that you won’t end up as a farmer. If you are destined to have a box full of gold, you will get it but, what you do with that gold is all up to you.

I am not telling you to accept the fate or destiny or kismet, there are thousands of books, articles to support and oppose my view. Everyone is free to make their opinion but what I concluded from my thought process is that if you have belief than, sooner or later, you will become a person you choose to be, destiny is only a path to our destination. It’s as simple as the Oracle describes Neo in the movie Matrix Reloaded.

“We are all here to do what we are all here to do...”

Author's Bio: 

Siddharth Sehgal is an international student pursuing his masters from University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is author of a blog on the experiences of international students in United States.