If you are trying to lose weight for a long time now, you know it’s not an easy task. Despite following weight loss tips, how successful have you been in reaching your goal?

While some of you must have achieved your goal, many would have struggled and finally given up hope to see themselves fit into their favourite outfit.

The truth is that losing weight is easy, if done in a right manner. This means following a weight loss diet chart and doing moderate exercise will help you to cling to your weight loss routine. However, you need to remember one thing – you didn’t gain weight in one day, so you won’t lose it in one day either!

Weight Loss Tips

Here are some weight loss tips, which are easy-to-follow. Try them!


Get into the habit of exercising every day for at least 60 minutes. Studies have shown that people who exercise every morning are slimmer, healthier and fitter than those who work out later in the day. Start off with morning walks, then move to running or jogging and eventually take up either swimming or cardio.

Have a heavy breakfast

All meals are important but give more weightage to breakfast, as it helps you start your day on the right track. The heartiest breakfasts are the ones that keep you full, so that you don’t crave later in the day. Eat at least 500 calories for your breakfast. Include a source of lean protein plus filling fat such as eggs, beans, unsweetened Greek yogurt and nuts, and fibre found in vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Eat more of whole foods

One of the best weight loss tips is to eat more of whole foods and avoid everything that is processed or packaged. Processed and packaged foods are high in sodium and they will nowhere help you meet your weight loss target. So, opt for fresh foods in your weight loss diet chart such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy and lean proteins.

Say no to sugar-loaded beverages

Did you know that you don’t feel full by liquid calories in the same way as you do by eating food? So, no matter how many cups of juices or coffee you drink in a day, it can’t replace the calories you get by eating a bowl of vegetables. Hence, it’s important to monitor your intake of juice, soda, sweetened coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages.

If you consume one of each of these beverages in a day, you would have consumed at least 800 extra calories by night — and you will still feel hungry. This is one weight loss tip that you must incorporate in your weight loss diet chart.

Eat spicy foods

Spicy foods can cut down on calories due to the presence of the compound capsaicin found in jalapeno. This compound can slightly increase your body’s release of stress hormones such as adrenaline, which can speed up your metabolism and your ability to burn calories. Weight loss tip: Add more of ginger, turmeric, black pepper, oregano and jalapenos in your weight loss meal plan.

Eat an apple daily

A medium size apple has around 90 calories, but plenty of water and fibre. So, make a habit of eating one apple everyday as part of your weight loss diet chart. Fibre helps control your weight as it slows down digestion of food.

Eat more of homemade food

Cooking meal at home gives you complete control over the ingredients such as sugar, oil, fat and salt. This way what you eat is healthy.

Drink plenty of water

Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Include summer fruits and vegetables that contain 96% water. In fact, a study showed how men and women saw a change in their metabolic rate by almost 30% by just increasing their water daily intake.

Don’t weight yourself daily

Weighing yourself daily will create unnecessary panic and it can be demotivating at the same time. Also, the weighing scale can be deceiving, as it ignores the fact that you could be adding muscle weight. So, the best thing is to weigh yourself weekly to know where you stand and do it in the morning.

Weight Loss Diet Chart

Here are some food options that you can include in your weight loss diet chart –

Option 1:
1 bowl of upma/poha with
1/2 bowl of vegetables
1 glass of any vegetable juice
1 fruit

Option 2:
1/2 bowl of cornflakes
1 cup of skimmed milk
1 fruit
1 vegetable sandwich

Option 3:
1 glass of any vegetable juice
1 fruit
2 egg whites
2 slices of brown bread
Option 4:
2 stuffed rotis
1 bowl of curd
1 fruit

Lunch and dinner (Pick any two - one for lunch and one for dinner)

Option 1:
3 rotis
1 bowl of vegetables
1 bowl of dal or
1 bowl of dal + 1 bowl of curd

Option 2:
2 rotis
1/2 bowl of steamed rice
1 bowl of vegetables
1 bowl of dal

Option 3:
1 roti
1 bowl of steamed rice
1 bowl of vegetables
1 bowl of dal
1/2 bowl of curd

Option 4:
2 slices of brown bread
1/2 bowl of vegetables
1 bowl of sprouts salad or chicken spinach salad
1 vegetable cutlet

Follow these weight loss tips and weight loss diet chart and see the difference!

Author's Bio: 

I am Saurabh, love writing about health and fitness. Here I have explained weight loss diet chart and weight loss tips.