Every single one of us has the ability and the power to have anything we want. Why is it then that most of us never reach the heights of life? What is the difference between the five percent who are able to get what they want and the other ninety-five percent who aren’t?

Are they just lucky? Perhaps, but isn’t the definition of luck “where preparation meets opportunity”?
If so, how do they prepare?

Are they blessed in some way? Is it possible that God really does have favorites? That may be what some people believe, but I’m not one of them. I am quite confident that God loves us all equally despite what some would say is evidence to the contrary.

Or is it possible that they know a secret that the rest of us aren’t privy to? I think this is much more likely to be the cause than the others, don’t you? That being the case, let’s look at what they do that makes them different.

Every one of us comes into this world exactly the same. And each of us brings with us an invisible yet tangible box which contains the many pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. It is our job to put these pieces together to create our life. There is, however, just one problem with this puzzle. There is no picture on the box. There is no guide to show us how these pieces should be arranged.

So if we are to put the puzzle together successfully, we must first create a picture of the life that we want to live. The clearer and more detailed the picture, the easier it will be for us to create a life filled with success and happiness. The more quickly we are able to create our picture, the more opportunities we have to acquire the things we really want in life. This is, I believe, where the vast majority of people miss the boat. They have only a vague idea of what they want which is never enough to make it a reality.

So what does it take to create our picture or our vision of the perfect life? First and foremost it takes the ability to visualize what would make us happy. To do that, it is necessary to have a mind that is open to the endless possibilities that are available in this world, to choose from those possibilities the ones that feel good to us, and then to make the decision that this is indeed what we want.

Next come the ability and determination needed to focus our undivided attention on that for however long it takes for it to become a physical reality in our life. This is perhaps the greatest thing that separates those who have it all from those who don’t. When the successful ones decide what they want, they hold on to their vision and their dream until it becomes a reality. They never allow themselves to be dissuaded by people or circumstances that come between them and their goal. Their motto is, “I will until.”

It is virtually impossible to live the life of your dreams without completing these steps. So why not begin right now to create the life you really want. Ask yourself this question; ”What do you want?” and pay close attention to the answer. If you do this in every area of your life, you will quickly begin to see improvement in the quality of your life as your vision becomes your reality.

Author's Bio: 

Carol M Barrett is a college teacher, speaker, writer and author of The Secret to Finding LOVE. Her works are the result of thirty years of study and research into how those who have it all have gotten it. Her website is www.thesecrettofindinglove.com and her blog is http://thesecrettofindinglove.wordpress.com