Do you know what Social Security is? Social security is a federal government program in US which is enacted to provide monthly payment to the retired individuals as well as to the populace who cannot work due to mental or physical disabilities. Applying for Social security disability with or without an attorney is daunting because of the long run to claim the case and the great chance of being denied. As per recent statistics, 70% of disability cases are denied once after the initial application. Do you know what the reason is? It is because that more individuals and disabilities are unaware about the purpose of this social security act or program. Let us go deep into that,

• Purpose of Social Security: Before claiming a file to reap benefits, it is very important to know what is the purpose of this social security program? This security program is enacted for the following purposes. Let us see,

- To satisfy the material needs for the families and individuals who doesn’t have monthly revenue or any income.
- To protect aged and disabled persons from scarcity of food, clothes, and shelter.
- And also to give chances to the children in their family to grow up healthy, safe and secure.

• Programs included under Social Security Act: Most populace are unaware about whether they are qualified to reap these benefits or not. This the main reason for the claims to be denied. That is the individuals who applied to get benefit of this act were unaware whether they are qualified for this or not. Let us have a look on what are the programs included under this,

- Retirement insurance
- Survivors insurance
- Disability insurance & unemployment insurance
- Child support and family welfare services

• How to apply: There are three ways of applying for social security disabilities. You can directly apply it online by checking out in social security administration web site or you can hire an attorney in behalf of you thus the chance of winning may increase. For example, if you’re nearer to Seattle, you can find your nearest Seattle attorney to take over your social security case. In order to complete your application you need few of your personal information like social security and proof of your age, name, address, and phone number and also the summary of your work you did and lot more.

These are few factors that you need to know before filing your case to reap benefits. You can get benefits within a year or more, getting start to file your claim is the best turnkey to enjoy the benefits of social security act.

Author's Bio: 

The author has an immense knowledge on Washington Social Security Attorney. Know more about Seattle Social Security Attorneys related info in his website.