Defensive web design assumes that people won't always use the website as it is intended. It takes for granted that humans make errors, and website design needs to accommodate those inevitable errors. Defensive design thus makes a website much more user friendly, as users will not be estranged from the website for making a simple mistake such as putting in their credit card number incorrectly, missing a step in a process or making a typo.

As well as human error, defensive web design accounts for web error, such as connection and server problems. Defensive website design is largely preventative, as it places checks on errors before they occur, thus reducing user frustration. Defensive design won't drive traffic to your site or increase your online presence, at least not directly, but it will improve the quality of your traffic by serving your customers better. Defensive design could make the difference between quick browses and continuing online sales.

Defensive web design should make the experience of using the website largely intuitive, with any needed explanations included as they are needed. Instead of having a 'help' or 'terms and conditions' page tucked away at the back of the site, you could include pop up boxes that provide useful information where it is most likely to be needed, eliminating the need for the user to search for the information themselves. Defensive website page design such as this recognises that the user is not familiar with the website or products offered, something that many website designers can forget as they become so accustomed themselves with the content of the website.

With the rise of smart phones and mobile devices websites need to respond to the slower loading speeds that these devices lead to. This is countered by increasing opportunities to include more impressive graphics on websites accessed by desktop computers. Defensive web design resolves this conflict by building websites with high quality graphics that can be viewed just as well without any images. Navigation and content are kept intact to be viewed optimally on mobile devices with defensive web design.

Defensive web design also aids users with tedious tasks such as searching the website or filling out forms by helpfully guiding the process and putting users back on track after mistakes have been made, such as spelling errors in search boxes or login pages. This manifests in clear reminders that should make the experience more enjoyable for the user, rather than stress-inducing. Defensive design is thus user-focused design and works towards effective communication with the viewer.

Author's Bio: 

User friendly web design of e-commerce business portals help to gain the visitors trust and convert visitors into a valuable client. Melbourne based Website Design services, Infinite IT Solutions provides professional CMS based e-commerce business portals Melbourne web development.