As human beings we have the innate capacity to heal, evolve and transform. In our society much emphasis is placed on quick fixes and places the responsibility of healing upon the practitioner giving treatment. We have come to expect that we will be given a pill and our pain will go away immediately. We have also been taught that we don't need to change our lifestyle or our attitude to heal. In the following short description of holistic hair analysis we will clarify how this form of therapy differs from the normal western treatment as well as explain the basics of how it works and what you can expect.

Human beings are comprised of many layers. We have a physical aspect, an emotional aspect, a mental aspect, an unconscious aspect, and a life giving principal which makes everything work. All of these components work together giving us the experience we call being human. In health, we are free to act appropriately in any situation. We feel relaxed and positive. When something challenging comes up we can face it and respond in the exact way we need to without being thrown too far off balance. We can change when change is needed. We sleep when we are tired, eat when we are hungry, and life seems vibrant and fluid. Health has much more to do with HOW we respond to life rather than a life without challenges.

Over the course of our life, traumas happen which were too great to deal with fully at the time. Either we were too young and without the tools to do so, or the event was so overwhelming, it just over took us with its power. These traumas become lodged deep within our unconscious level and silently motivate us to act in ways which are not fluid and healthy. Over time these traumas, if not released, begin to affect the physical body and physical symptoms begin to arise. For example, lets say when i was young my parents had the habit of yelling at me every time I laughed and played. Overtime this regular event caused me to stop believing I could have fun. So in adulthood, whenever the chance to play came up, I unconsciously acted in a way to avoid it at all costs. Overtime this sadness associated with not playing began to affect my heart and physical symptoms began to emerge such as an irregular pulse, anxiety, and upper back pain.

We have been taught in the west that a physical symptom is the only thing which must be treated and that the ‘mental issues’ are designated for psychologists and psychiatrists. To my knowledge, all ancient medical traditions have a different perspective than this. They have found that we can never separate a physical problem from mental emotional issues, and therefore, in order to treat physical issues effectively, the mind must be treated as well.

Holistic hair analysis is a tool which discovers the location and quality of the deepest treatable blockages within us. It then finds a remedy which will initiate a process by which these blockages are released. Health issues we have on all levels of body and mind can heal from this medicinal tool.

Most hair analysis treatments available today offer a large list of things that are wrong with us as a result of the analysis. Some tell us which organ systems are not working well, others tell us what we are allergic too, and others tell us a myriad of other pathological aspect of our life. This has its positive and negative side affects. On the one hand it may offer us labels or insights as to why we don’t feel well. As we are used to being given labels for things, we may relax momentarily with the feeling that now we know why we don’t feel well. It may also give us valuable insight into what to do next to heal the problems we have. But on the other hand it is very easy to take this information and worry or obsess about it, actually making things worse. We may also fail to be empowered, as the patient, to face the parts of our life we need to face in order to find true balance. We become fixated on to label and drift away from our responsibility as patient to heal thyself.

Rather than a list of problems, this form of holistic hair analysis offers us a remedy which will begin a healing process. The answer to the question, ‘What did my hair say about me’? is answered in the process initiated by the remedy itself. The practitioner will not be the one who tells you about yourself based on the analysis findings. It will be you who will engage in a journey of discovery, with the remedy as a helper on the way. The remedy helps to create an organic unfolding of release and healing. This means past physical symptoms may reappear or current physical symptoms may intensify for a short period of time as the body is pushing these old patterns out of the body. Past traumas may re surface as they are being healed from within. Additionally, while these things may occur, one may also feel a great surge of vitality and/or an overall sense of greater wellbeing. These are all signs that the remedy is working at a very deep level. As the body has more energy it is now able to push some of these past traumas and symptoms out and let them go. Overtime, as the old physical and mental/emotional patterns release, there is a new found sense of stability, and often the chief complaint begin to go away.

Sometimes people ‘feel’ something right away. Others notice changes over time. Some notice drastic changes immediately, others notice subtle changes that accumulate over time. What is most important to consider about this form of therapy is that the patient is healing themselves with the assistance of a powerful remedy. The patient ultimately does the healing work with the support of the practitioner and is initiated by the patient and the remedy, rather than the healing done by the practitioner. For many this is a very different paradigm and for some an uncomfortable one. What I have seen many times is that the transformations which come from this form of therapy are ultimately very healing and very empowering for the individual.

Author's Bio: 

Alexander M. Love is a holistic practitioner and teacher of Natural Medicine. He received a Master’s degree in Acupuncture from the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture (AFEA), is a Diplomat of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), and has studied with the developer of Core Synchronism, Dr. Robert Stevens, ND for the last nine years. Aside from instructing classes at the Institute for the Medical Arts, Alexander also has a private practice called Enjoy Vibrant Living in Boulder, CO.