The Yod or Projection Figure came into play when Jupiter in its retrograde motion went to 11 degrees of Gemini. Saturn and Pluto were already in mutable reception and now also in sextile.This provides a harmonious relationship that allows structured transformation to happen. This aspect pattern will be with us until Jupiter moves out of orbs around April.

The message behind this Finger of Fate

Examining this finger of Fate or God, which this aspect pattern is often called, will have many levels of meanings. In our individual charts it will depend on which area these planets fall and how they are placed in the Natal chart. It is a significant configuration that we would do well to understand.

An Astrological Overview

From an astrological overview the planet of transformation (Pluto) has worked in Saturn’s domain, (Capricorn), for a number of years now, upsetting its security by exposing rocky foundations. When Saturn entered Scorpio it provided the motivation to investigate its own groundwork and found great errors. Therefore the nearer it became in alliance with Pluto the more it agreed that things needed to change and or be corrected.

A Scenario

You can imagine the conversation between these two planets. Pluto could say to Saturn, “you know the time has come for change”. Your structures are old, outdated and some need regenerating and others need to go altogether”. Saturn reminds Pluto that they have been in the family/ country tradition for eons. Pluto replies sympathetically, (which is a change in itself); “Man is growing more towards individuation and beginning to think for himself. No longer wanting to be led or kept under state control. Your structures have helped to create security but also breed greed and fear”. Saturn in Scorpio now realizes the intensity of the situation and agrees to work with Pluto, as he wishes to save what is good and has no intention of allowing Pluto to throw the baby out with the bath water. Pluto will not be allowed to become too ruthless but knows he has to work within boundaries.

Jupiter the focal planet of the Yod

As Saturn and Pluto are now both work in alliance they look over to Jupiter and say, ‘he’s in for some change’! Jupiter the planet of expansion also represents our overall perspectives and our belief systems. We live our lives by a set of beliefs and attitudes which will now come in for constructive criticism. It is reconstruction of old structures in what we believe and what we once thought of as true. Our whole perspective on life will begin to change. Our need for self protection (Saturn) will go along with the transformation for the sake of survival, (Pluto). Maybe from this our beliefs and perspectives will expand further into Spiritual reality, which will lead to a greater sense of our own power. This however, we will need to use for the good of the whole.

Bringing this Down to Earth

Look where this Yod lands in your own chart, which houses does it affect? These will be the areas of your life in which change will begin to happen. Pluto will already have unsettled your Capricorn structures, (this will be shown in the area that Capricorn occupies in your chart). I may add unsettling for some, a more of a demolition for others! Now however, your sense of security (Saturn) will realize that it needs to cooperate. If any of this trio touches any of your planets, then this planets energy will be part of the dynamic process.

This message from the Universe has many echoes; this is just one of them. Feel free to share your ideas.

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Author's Bio: 

Astrologer Lucinda Tinsley as been studying Astrology for over 20 years She helps those who seek deeper insights into life and themselves. Using the psychological approach in understanding your personal Birth Chart she leads you towards your authentic self, to understanding your challenges and discovering your innate potentials. Her web site, http:// has many articles written to help those who want to understand astrology through their own Birth Chart