Begin with the end in mind.
Stephen R. Covey, Leadership Authority

What is the first thing we make sure we do, once we get on a taxi? Naturally, we tell the driver where we want to go (after we greet him of course)!

Would you ever take a taxi without having a specific destination in mind, in order to get off randomly somewhere you would consider…interesting? Or would you take along with you random passers and go…wherever they wanted to go?
How is it then, that in the journey of our lives only 5% of the people of the earth have identified their destination, meaning their goals, their targets, their future life plan?

A big percentage of people have yet to decide, exactly what they want from their lives. Goal setting is a basic requirement in order to achieve success. It is important to be able to define where we stand at the moment and where we want to be in the future. There are two concepts on how to face life: The subsequent reaction to situations or trying to be involved in the creation of the situations. Without a clear plan in mind, we just react to the events of our life, we do not define them. We are victims of the events.

No, I do not support that we can control everything: of course there are things that are out of your reach. And I can hear you: Yes, the world is on fire. Yes, we do not know what may happen next. Yes, things are strange and even very disappointing at times. But take a minute and think who is more likely to cope with these imponderables better? Someone with a clear plan or someone without one? One of the reasons that we have come to today’s dead-end is that on personal level and then national we have no…plan. Do you want to break free from this vicious circle?

Are you totally aware of what you want to achieve? What does success mean to you? What do you desire to do, where do you want to be in 5, 10 years from now? I suggest you book an appointment with yourself for 2 hours. Take pieces of paper and pens in different colors. Write down all 7 sectors of our life:

a) Family, romantic relationships, friends
b) Work
c) Finance
d) Physical exercise and health
e) Personal development, education, achievements
f) Free time, hobbies
g) Offering to society, charity

Let your mind free and think about where you would like to be in 5 years and then where you would like to be in 10 years. As soon as you write it all down, you will feel great satisfaction. You did the first step. It is an opportunity to press the on button in your personal GPS!

Be Unique!

Jill Douka

Author's Bio: 

Jill Douka supports people to take action, feel secure and get the greatest value from their future. She is a coach, workshop leader and author, lives in Athens, Greece, next to the sea, working with clients from 3 continents. She is the founder of