As a dog owner, it is important for your pet to understand that you are the alpha dog in the relationship. The last thing you want to deal with is a dog that exerts his dominance, resulting in unruly behavior like growling, snarling, biting, disobedience and so on. If you think your dog has a "bad attitude", it may be only because your four legged friend doesn't understand YOU are the alpha dog. Here are a few things you can do to make that point clear.

What is the Alpha Dog?
First you have to understand that dogs are direct descendants of wolves. Wolves are pack animals and with an accepted hierarchy. The dog that makes all the decisions and is the dominant dog is considered the Alpha dog. Not matter what your pet's breed is, your canine friend inherited this instinctive feeling and unless you come off as the alpha dog, your pet will try to exert his dominance. By treating your dog as an equal family member, or reinforcing disobedient behaviors, or give him special treatments, than your furry friend may think he's the alpha dog in the family.This can happen with female and male canines.

How You Can Be the Alpha Dog
The most important thing when training to become the alpha is how you control your body and voice. You need to reek with "confidence". This doesn't require for you to be mean but holding an air of authority. A strong voice when you demand something of your pet may be just what it takes for your pet to learn you're the alpha dog.

The basic gist behind alpha training is not allowing your dog to make demands out of YOU rather he obeys and waits permission from you. For example, some pet owners still give their pet their food when their furry pet is jumping up and down, barking or growling. When you allow this kind of behavior you are reinforcing to your dog that is acceptable behavior and that you don't have the authority to change it otherwise.

Instead, only give your dog their food when they are calm. Give cue commands of "sit" before you feed your furry friend. When your pet does what it's told, then you can give him his food.

Other Alpha Dog Training Tips:
-Another thing you can do is to make sure that you always enter or exit a room BEFORE your dog.
-Don't allow your canine friend to sleep on your bed. Consider buying a doggie bed and lay it next to your bed. If this is too hard for you, only allow your pet to sleep on the foot of the bed.
-Keep your head above your dog's head. This means not laying on the floor with him.
-If your dog is in your way, don't step over him or around him, tell him to move. This is what alpha dogs do to their subordinate.

Eye Contact and Why it's So Crucial

When you and your dog make eye contact, NEVER avert your gaze first. Always wait for your four legged friend to avert his eyes before you do something else. This is a major alpha dog training technique.

These are just some things you can do when training to be an alpha dog. It will take a lot of time, patience and consistency.

These are just some things you can do when training to be an alpha dog. It will take a lot of time, patience and consistency.

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Got other dog related issues? If so, you should definitely check out Alpha Dog Training, and Secrets to Dog Training.