The Lipo procedure, also referred to as lipoplasty is a body-sculpting procedure that removes fat which is unresponsive to exercise and dieting. This surgery can be applied to virtually any area of a person's body and is commonly used on more than one area during an operation. A liposuction procedure always results in a slimmer and more proportionated figure. The use of liposuction effectively reduces double-chins, saddlebags, love handles, and bulges around one's waistline. It is also effective in removing fat from any other unsightly fatty deposits in order to develop a better overall shape and create an overall more beautiful body.

Common reasons for considering liposuction procedures include the elimination of fat from many areas of the body and to create a more proportioned figure. Some of the more commonly areas that are operated on include the chin and neckline, the upper arms, the stomach and waistline, the back, the hips and buttocks, the thighs and knees, and the calves and ankles. Liposuction surgery should never be thought of as a replacement for proper diet and exercise. Instead a potential patient should think of it as a reduction procedure for areas of the body which are stubborn wherein fat has accumulated. When used in combination with several areas of the body, liposuction is capable of providing a well proportioned appearance of one's body. An ideal candidate for liposuction would be someone who is already in good physical condition but has a few stubborn areas on his or her body that don't respond to exercise and diet.

A ginecomastia procedure can be done under general anesthesia with the patient sleeping or under a local anesthesia where the area is numbed while the patient remains awake. The plastic surgeons inserts the cannula, or narrow tube, through a tiny incision. The cannula then is used to vacuum out the fatty tissue that is underneath the skin. The plastic surgeon determines the amount of fat that is removed by massaging the patient's skin and squeezing the tissues. After the excess fat is eliminated, the incisions are shut with the application of a compression bandage or dressing to the area which was treated. This is done in order to prevent bleeding, which reducing swelling and supporting the affected area.

To be a good candidate, you need to meet certain requirements, most of which pertain to your health condition. Just like any other type of surgery, Lipoaspiracao could also pose a risk to your health and you need to address them. First, you need to have realistic expectations when it comes to results from the procedure. There are several existing plastic surgery procedures available and each one of them caters to your specific aesthetic and functional needs. Therefore, you cannot expect a single procedure, to do it all for you.

Furthermore, you need to be aware of the recovery from liposuction with proper diet and exercise. If not, you will find those returning following the procedure. You cannot expect to undergo this procedure and be fat-proof after that.

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