Being exposed to so many things American most us know that this time of the year is celebrated with Thanksgiving in the US.

This modern holiday traces its origins from a 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation, where the Plymouth settlers held a harvest feast celebrating a successful growing season, after previous brutal winters.

And now we know Thanksgiving as a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for blessings of both material possessions and relationships.

Giving thanks can be broken down into two aspects:
• Feeling grateful enough to say thank you
• And actually saying thank you as the external acknowledgment

As non-Americans our exposure to the festivities comes through media (TV and movies especially) and we often see family members taking their turns around the table being specifically grateful for something. Be it health, jobs, love, relationships or family.

And yes - it’s often through communication that we connect again with each other (and even better – with ourselves).

Many people potentially struggle with gratitude for a variety of reasons:
1. Gratitude may not be in your radar because you spend so much time focusing on the lack and what’s missing in your life
2. Saying thank you at some subconsicious level may mean that you’re admitting to being not good enough (as you’ve needed help/support/love or suchlike)
3. Expressing gratitude may make you feel like you’re obligated in some way to someone.
4. You may find it meaningless and silly – because what’s in it for you?

Gratitude is a funny thing in that it expands naturally if just given space. The more you express gratitude, the fuller you feel about life (more abundant). Expressing gratitude doesn’t drain you or empty you of personal resources.

Thanksgiving by its very name – Giving Thanks – is an ACTION. Do this by sharing, verbalising or journalising. But be specific about what it is. E.g. Instead of “I’m grateful for my children”, say (or even better – journalise!) “I’m grateful for Sally who hugged me spontaneously today”.

The Divine Law of Vibration states that nothing rests but that everything moves and vibrates. Therefore the manifestations you experience of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual world result simply from different levels of your vibrating energy, or frequency. And nowadays we know that the feelings of fear, grief and despair vibrate at a very low frequency and the feelings of love, joy and gratitude vibrate much quicker.

Use this knowledge to help you go through experiences at the highest possible frequency you can at any point in time. You may be fearful of something (low energy vibration), but if you consciously choose to express gratitude for other things (or even the particular thing you’re scared of!) you’ll find your own frequency raised. And then share your energy and feelings with others and you’ll be surprised at the impact this has on them.

Doing this, you’re by no means denying how you feel (the fear), but you’re making a choice as to how you’re going to approach it. By giving thanks regularly for even the smallest things, your entire outlook and vibration changes and your challenges/obligations will be put into perspective.
I have a client who has spent many years focussing on the lack of relationship in her life – but in the meantime, ‘behind the scenes’ so to say, she was helping a friend into a healthier, fitter lifestyle. So much so that her friend experienced a transformed lifestyle, was on the cover of a magazine and won prizes! When my client was able to consciously focus on being grateful for the influence she’d already had (naturally) – her vibrational level (gratitude, happiness, self-respect, self-worth, personal meaning) shot through the roof!

You have a choice – to be happy or remain in your struggle.

Gratitude increases your happiness. So practice it.

Author's Bio: 

Heidi Cornelissen, “Life Coach on Steroids”, has a background in Accounting and Financial management. Her qualifications include an MBA, where she specialised in Organisational Behaviour as well as a BCom Degree in Accountancy.
She later qualified as a Life Coach.
She has worked in a variety of industries from telecommunication to electronics manufacturing to recruitment advertising.
She specialises in YOU – the individual. She helps the individual engage with who they really are and what they really want.
She is a professional member of the International Coaching Federation, the president of the James Crofts Hope Foundation and until the end of August the President of Business Swap WA Inc.
She is the author of a few E-books, including “Becoming Worthy of Self-Love” and “Creating Life Change”.
Her business, Completely Human specialises in providing opportunities for individuals to actively participate in various areas of their lives (relationships, social skills, exercise, emotional- and spiritual development).

Her personal journey towards a better definition of happiness, love and success led her to the world of coaching. She is now passionate about creating a safe space for individuals to undergo meaningful self-discovery of their own. This kind of work allows them to live a more abundant life from the inside-out.