The exact capabilities of laser printers differ from one model to another and it can be difficult to decide which to opt for. One of the main decisions is whether a color laser is really needed or if a black and white version will do just as well. So it's a good idea to first consider what its main function will be and then work out what will best serve that purpose.

Inkjet printers are the popular choice for most people looking for something to use from home. The quality of image is much better and the casing unit is more compact, making it easier to fit in a home environment. Cost is another factor in favour of the inkjet. However, there are some very good reasons why a home user may want to purchase a laser printer instead of, or as well as an inkjet version.

There are many people who run businesses or societies from home. If that's the case and there is a need for regular printed communications to go out to customers or members, an inkjet printer will not have the capacity for printing the amount of copies needed efficiently, and the cost would be phenomenal compared to what could be achieved with laser.

Although lasers, even the color versions, do not reproduce images to the photographic quality of inkjets, the quality is still good enough not to be an issue for most purposes. When it comes to printing text and flat graphics like logos and graphs they are just as good. Some models are even considered by some to be better than their inkjet counterparts.

Advances in technology mean that people generally expect to see printed communications in color these days. Another result of advancements in technology is that full color lasers are much less expensive than they used to be, and there are some circumstances where they may even be the most cost-effective option on the market.

If the user needs volume print-outs on a regular basis and the document requires images that would be better reproduced in color, a color laser may be the most efficient and cost-effective solution. Although the photo-quality isn't the same as with inkjets, the printer resolutions for color lasers are very good now.

A sample of a typical document that would be best produced on a color laser would be a report made up of several pages, mainly text-based but may need to include charts that would prove very difficult to understand without the use of color. Multiple copies of this report would take a long time to reproduce on an inkjet printer and the cost would be huge in comparison.

Even taking all the huge benefits of color laser printers into consideration, the initial outlay of such a printer may still make this option unaffordable for many. One way around this may be to take a fresh look at the document being produce and even re-design it to work better in black and white. This will work best if the producer has some control over the production of the images being used, as they can then be re-styled and optimized for printing in black and white.

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I have more reviews and information about all in one printers at