India is the sixth-largest producer of chemicals in the world and the third-largest country in Asia and an important component of the Indian economy, which represents about 2.11% of GDP. India exported 10.3% of total chemicals in 2016-17.
The intermediaries of manufacture and export of more profitable inks and inks that rob the market. India is known not only as a colourful country but also for exporting it. India manufactures a wide range of colours for the textile, leather, paper, ink, plastic and paint industries. It does not give up quality and meets international standards. Dye exports and dye intermediaries reached 2,363.58 million in 2017-18, an increase of 14.13% compared to last year.
If the dye sells more, the byproduct of its manufacture is that inorganic chemicals have the following weight in the market chain. Inorganic chemicals are an important source of energy in manufacturing industries. Some of the main inorganic chemicals are sulfuric acid, nitric acid, alkaline, sodium carbonate and caustic soda, which are important ingredients in the preparation of fertilizers, synthetic fibres, plastics, paints, dyes. It is also used in metallurgy, skin tanning and oil processing, common salt, coal, glass, paper, detergents, most of the products mentioned above are consumed not only by the industry but by the general public every day.
Medicines and pharmaceutical products: worldwide, India is known as the largest supplier of generic medicines. % Of the national industry has managed to accelerate globalization by providing 50% of vaccines, 40% of generic medicines (USA), 25% of medicines (United Kingdom). The value of this industry was USD 33 billion in 2017 and cement exports from India were the US $ 17.27 billion in 2017-18.

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With digitalization in place, India has been able to adopt the latest technologies, such as the Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Blockchain, which will allow it to act as a game-changer in the chemical industry. India has established up to $ 80 million for updates to the 12th five-year plan for the chemical industry. Providing market research and forecasting services with various chemical consulting industries in the market, applying innovation, strategic thinking and new technologies, access to the chemical industry is now easy.