When it comes to picking a certain style for your house flooring, many options are available—from carpet and stone to hardwood tile. In recent years however, consumers have been choosing bamboo as the flooring of choice over more traditional products.

Why Bamboo?
The surge in the popularity of bamboo stems directly from an increasingly environmentally aware public. Bamboo has many advantages over traditional flooring in many ways.

For one, bamboo is highly renewable. In this era of environmental consciousnesses, the search for resources that will not sap resources and deteriorate the environment is a huge plus, especially for environmentally concerned consumers. Bamboo replenishes as a much more rapid rate than trees, and leftover material from shoots can be harvested to provide a food source for livestock. They are constructed from safe resins and give off very little formaldehyde emissions.

Bamboo also is easy to maintain and clean. Gone are the days of messy mopping and wiping—bamboo tiling resists warping very well, and is a very long lasting substance. Many products on the market today come with 10 to 25 year warranties. Additionally, allergy sufferers can rejoice: bamboo does not promote dust and harbor dust mites. As bamboo is laminated in a decay resistant way, it becomes an ideal choice for areas of potential moisture, namely, kitchens, bathrooms, and family areas. It is far less sensitive to temperature changes than other materials. Bamboo flooring is resilient against heavy traffic and usage, giving it a distinct advantage over the softer flooring such as pine and vinyl. On top of that, bamboo needs to be refinished much less then other popular flooring options.

Bamboo is cost effective and easy to install. Compared to other flooring materials, bamboo can be installed almost anywhere, over numerous sub-floors such as vinyl tile, sheathing grade plywood, and wood. Also, the easy and straightforward methods of installation such as the “floating floor option” means the average homeowner can install the bamboo himself, saving hundreds of dollars of hiring professional help. Bamboo generally is an inexpensive option when compared to other traditional materials. For instance, the cost of bamboo flooring is 25-50% less expensive than that of hardwood tiling.

Finally, having bamboo in your home instantly gives your home a classy and stylish living vibe. With its multiple hues and tones, ranging from light mellow colors to darker shades, bamboo can match the décor and interior of any household. Bamboo finish typically is quite white, but varying colors are easily available throughout the market. Tinting bamboo is a popular option, creating darker shades of color to match more styles up in the North East, such as colonial. The finish of bamboo is also customizable. While some consumers opt for a more high gloss finish, matte and semi-gloss styles are popular, giving homeowners a wide range of options when it comes to enhancing style points.

With these benefits in mind, the floor to choose is obvious. For its handy versatility and cost-effectiveness, the power of bamboo is taking the market by storm.

Author's Bio: 

Looking for Bamboo Flooring Australia? See Bamboozle, specialist bamboo flooring suppliers and in bamboo floor installation. Their unique Bamwood range, both pre finished or sanded and polished on site for home or commercial use.