Have you ever asked yourself, why do some coach-preneurs succeed and others don’t? If you are like me, I bet you have. In other words, why are some solo entrepreneurs such as coaches, authors, speakers, trainers, leaders and experts so successful while many aren’t? You may also be wondering, why are there just a few people achieving extraordinary financial results while most aren’t? Well, it’s a fact that in the real world, of course, not everyone will be very successful, become a millionaire or achieve extraordinary financial results. It’s common knowledge that extraordinary financial results are not typical and that no one is guaranteed to earn an income by following my (or anyone else’s) road map or success strategies. I do not believe anyone in business or in life is guaranteed anything. Isn’t that true? Besides, it’s illegal to guarantee anyone results with your teaching, training, coaching and mentoring.

With that said, I’d like to offer a few transformational truths.

Transformational Truth #1: We all have different levels of authentic aspirations and ambitions, knowledge and skills, talents and abilities, dedication and determination, persistence and commitment. As such, we are all going to get different results in our personal and professional path.

Transformational Truth #2: People in general usually invest a lot of money to shorten their learning curve and accelerate their path to success. People invest heavily in themselves and they will continue to do so because education, growth, and mastery are and will always be incredibly valuable. In the coaching/mentoring arena, you take learning, developing, and growing to the next level by structuring, synthesizing, and systemizing specific information that helps others succeed in their own specific situation, whether personal or professional, and moves them faster forward toward where they want to be both in business and life.

Transformational Truth #3: The world is always looking for new answers, success secrets, simple strategies, practical ways to thrive, universal laws, spiritual principles, pearls of wisdom, etc. You may be wondering, “Why?” Because in this time and age, more than ever before, millions of people worldwide are searching for inspirational insights, ideas, and information to guide, support, and help them move ahead and stay on track. In today’s economy, people have been laid off in great numbers, the baby boomers are retiring, and a new generation of passionate independent professionals (coach-preneurs) is looking to succeed. All this opens great opportunities for the new paradigm of authentic business success as a coach, author, speaker, trainer, leader and expert to thrive.

Transformational Truth #4: It’s not about having the right resources; instead, it’s about being resourceful. My mentors, coaches, teachers, and role models didn’t have a lot of business knowledge, expertise, connections, or money when they began, and neither did I. Nor did we have a master plan, a website, or a large client database. And many of my clients, colleagues, partners, and students start the same way—with nothing but a dream and a deep desire to help others succeed.

To illustrate, here are some inspirational examples. J.K. (Joanne Kathleen) Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, became one of the richest authors in the world making a huge impact while doing what she loves. Another example is the legendary thought business leaders Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, the creators of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Numerous publishers rejected their book, but they kept going because they made a commitment and believed in what they were doing. Today they are bestselling authors and multi-millionaire entrepreneurs. Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins and many others in the personal development, human potential, and self-help space (authentic abundance world) who are legendary thought leaders achieved authentic business success and became enlightened entrepreneurs starting from nothing.

Successful, thriving, conscious entrepreneurs in this coaching/mentoring community all have one thing in common: they have the purposeful mind-set, heart-set, and soul-set to prosper, and the strategic, authentic marketing to follow. In other words, they have their inner world in alignment with their outer world. Their thoughts, feelings, and actions (head, heart, and hands) are congruent and they have a set of best practices that helps them start out, build and grow a real authentic business.

Yes, it’s possible to get extraordinary results, and you clearly have the chance to earn multiple streams of income when you’re a coach-preneur and playing these different roles in the trusting authority (as a coach, author, speaker, trainer, leader & expert) arena. And, of course, these roles are crucial to start out, sustain, scale, and leverage your coaching/mentoring business success. That’s why you need to learn how to monetize your message, turn your passion into profits, and make money doing what you love. Because the more money you make, the more you can expand your coaching/mentoring business and spread your unique message. By doing so, you can make a bigger transformation, impact and contribution. Can you see how money is even more important when you are on a mission to help others succeed?

However, with all the focus on making money and running the business, it can be so easy to get away from why you do what you do (the big dream, big vision, big mission). Although you have endless doors of opportunity and windows of possibility to achieve financial freedom, abundance, and success, to really proper and profit in the coaching/mentoring arena you have an even greater purpose, calling, and contribution to make.

Your big mission is to help improve, enhance and advance the lives and businesses of those you serve, touch and impact by inspiring growth, expansion and evolution through authentic transformation—through awakening the empowered creator within. You do that not only when you add incredible value, provide guidance, and support and offer your assistance from a place of service, but also when you connect with your unique transformation.

Imagine yourself living your dream business—the business you are meant to create. How would it feel? What experiences would it involve? What results would it provide? How would you know when you are experiencing authentic business success? Tune in and get in touch with your ideal, best business as it will help you build up positive and powerful momentum, which can turn infinite possibility into prosperity and profitability so your dream business of today becomes your real business of tomorrow.

To deeply connect with your coaching/mentoring business success, get grounded, centered, and in touch with 3 simple yet powerful questions to discover YOUR unique transformation. You may not have an immediate response to one or some of the questions right now. That’s okay. Just get into the energy of your blessing, passion, purpose, and what you really want in your life by asking the unique transformation questions, letting the authentic answers come and the inner creativity unfold. It’s a process, so allow the wisdom to flow. Each question can and should have many answers. And remember, they are not fixed answers because, again, we all are evolving beings. So there’s no need to be too attached to any of the specifics. Just be honest, be open, be present, and tell the truth about your thoughts, feelings, and emotions here and now. What is true for you right now, at this very moment, is what really matters.

When you explore the unique transformation you want to make in yourself, your life, and your audience, you dive even deeper and question the expectations, explanations, and beliefs that may have kept you stuck or kept you small, not allowing your unique brilliance to shine through the work you were born to do. So while going through the process feel free to be playful, courageous, and curious with your authentic business answers…and please avoid judging yourself. The success secret here is not to over-think or analyze it, but to open your heart, listen to your intuition, and fully feel the emotions and gut feeling coming out so you can make it as easy, effortless, and graceful as possible for the connection to unfold with freedom, fulfilment, and fun!

All you need is to quiet your mind and be willing to follow your heart so you can get inspired, connected, and communicate what your inner wisdom is revealing to you.

Let go of what is in your way and imagine: What if your business is meant to be fun?What if it’s meant to be easy? What if how you transform is how you live? So get connected, transform and truly thrive today!

Discovering your unique transformation

When you connect, get clarity, and focus on the transformation you uniquely provide through your authentic business, you create, cultivate, and communicate even more deeply and profoundly the difference and contribution your coaching/mentoring business will bring to the world. In order for you to do just that, please take a sacred moment and reflect on these powerful tools below. Give yourself permission to imagine, visualize, and dream BIG and allow your words of wisdom to flow. As always, let your answers be as honest, open, expansive, and specific as possible.

1. What unique transformation do YOU want to receive (financially, physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually) through the process of building, growing, and expanding your coaching/mentoring business?

2. What unique transformation do you want in your LIFE as a result of building, growing, and expanding your coaching/mentoring business?

3. What unique transformation do you want your AUDIENCE to have and experience as a result of working with you through your coaching/mentoring business? (AUDIENCE = the people you are here to serve, support, and help—the people you touch as well as the difference and ripple effect your business makes in your area, field, and industry, including your relationships and partnerships, and the contribution your business brings to humanity and the world.)

As you go through this process, be aware and understand that you don’t have to know HOW you will get your unique transformation out into the world yet. You simply need to generate some inspirational ideas and insights about what lights your fire, what makes your heart sing, and what makes a life-changing difference in yourself and others. You will get clearer about how to shape your business in such a way that it not only educates, entertains, and encourages, but also inspires, empowers, and enlightens the people you serve. And, at the same time, you get handsomely rewarded for doing what you love!

Let all this sink into your heart, all that speaks to you, then if it resonates with you, join us on this transformational, thriving, empowering, enlightening, joyful journey. Make a “no-matter-what” decision and a “no-excuses” commitment, clear your schedule, move things around, and find a way to implement all these transformational tools and make it all happen.

As a passionate, purposeful professional and an empowered, enlightened coach-preneur you are part of a magnificent movement. And this marvellous movement is about following your dreams and living your purpose while building an authentic coaching/mentoring business to thrive. By doing so, you can make a bigger difference in the world and authentically serve and help others succeed, too, on your journey. You become a powerful advocate of authenticity (trusting authority), as well as a thriving business leader—a conscious creator and change catalyst for the highest good. You think, feel, and act from your pure potential—the best authentic you—and become who you were meant to be and do the powerful work you were put on this planet to do.

When you are willing to do the work and are committed to living your unique purpose through your business, you immediately step into the bigger version of yourself and serve so many more people on earth. Therefore, you get handsomely rewarded for it. When you do that you are fulfilling your purpose, following your passion, achieving your dreams, and saying “Yes” to the doors of opportunity and windows of possibility. That’s when you make things happen and do magic! They happen when you are building a coaching/mentoring business that prospers from your true power, passion, and purpose because it’s aligned with your energy, your heart, and your soul.

If you haven’t yet, connect with your unique transformation, because once you know it you can’t not know it. You start being in alignment with everything you do both professionally and personally. And only then will you be able to join the only 5% of super successful coach-preneurs who are really creating extraordinary financial results in their business. And this is, what I call, Authentic Business Success as an Enlightened Entrepreneur. This is why I created the authentic business success blueprint. It really is your roadmap to passion, purpose and profits, and it really gives you more joy, meaning, fulfilment, freedom, and fun as you create the business and life of your dreams—your authentic coaching/mentoring business and finally become a thriving, successful entrepreneur as a coach, author, speaker, trainer, leader and expert.

Authentic Business Success In Action

Now you know why some coach-preneurs succeed and others don’t. Now it’s your turn to make a conscious decision and a 100% commitment to creating extraordinary financial results in your business and life. Your time is now, go and do it and truly thrive today!

QUESTION: What’s your #1 question about becoming a successful entrepreneur as a coach, author, speaker, trainer, leader and expert? Please share your comments, insights and/or challenges below. We’d love to hear from you. Your success is my passion!

Author's Bio: 

Olivia Lobell, The Enlightened Entrepreneur Authentic Business Success Mentor, is author of The Enlightened Entrepreneur and founder of AuthenticBizSuccess.com, a company devoted to teach enlightened entrepreneurs around the world how to build a thriving business around their blessing, attract more ideal clients and make a lot more profits while being authentic and aligned with their passion and purpose. To get your FREE Audio CD and receive her weekly authentic business success articles, visit: http://www.authenticbizsuccess.com