Prostatitis is often characterized by its lengthy treatment duration, and neglecting it can result in worsening or recurring inflammation, significantly disrupting men's daily lives. However, what many individuals may not realize is that chronic prostatitis could persist or worsen due to the habit of holding urine.

In essence, holding urine has the potential to exacerbate prostatitis.

For individuals with prostatitis, retaining urine often disrupts the nerve function responsible for bladder contraction. This can lead to a weakening of the urethral muscle's tone, increasing the likelihood of urinary obstruction and retention. Furthermore, prolonged urine retention may elevate bladder pressure, resulting in urine reflux to the prostate and the deposition of crystals in prostate tissue. Over time, this process can contribute to the aggravation of prostatitis.

Additionally, holding urine can induce tension in pelvic muscles, hampering local blood circulation and exacerbating prostate congestion and edema—factors known to precipitate prostatitis. If an individual already suffers from prostatitis, this habit can exacerbate the existing condition.

Consequently, it is crucial for patients to refrain from withholding urine on a daily basis to avoid serious repercussions. To prevent prostatitis recurrence, men should take proactive steps to thoroughly address the condition. Common treatment approaches include:

1. General Treatment:

Patients should adopt lifestyle adjustments such as abstaining from alcohol, avoiding spicy foods, refraining from holding urine, avoiding prolonged sitting, maintaining warmth, and engaging in suitable physical exercise. While warm sitz baths can alleviate pain symptoms, caution is advised for men with reproductive needs as it may impact sperm quality.

2. Drug Treatment:

Antimicrobial drugs form the cornerstone of treatment, with patients opting for sensitive drugs like quinolones (e.g., ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin). Due to the prostate membrane's interference with drug penetration, acute treatment should last at least 4-6 weeks, with ongoing evaluation of efficacy at two-week intervals. Alpha-blockers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like celecoxib can also alleviate urinary symptoms and pain.

Traditional Chinese medicine, exemplified by the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, offers significant treatment benefits by addressing symptoms and causes comprehensively.

3. Surgical Treatment:

Surgical interventions include urethral stricture dilation, prostate abscess drainage, bladder neck removal, and partial or total prostate removal, with specific options tailored to the patient's condition.

4. Prostate Massage:

This traditional treatment method promotes prostate gland duct emptying and enhances local drug concentration, thereby alleviating symptoms and shortening disease duration.

5. Physical Therapy:

Biofeedback therapy, heat therapy, red light therapy instruments, and transperineal extracorporeal shock wave therapy are among the physical therapy options available.

In conclusion, men with prostatitis should promptly seek professional medical assistance to identify the underlying cause and initiate appropriate treatment. Moreover, improving daily habits—including avoiding urine retention and prolonged sitting—can help mitigate the condition's aggravation. Lastly, incorporating suitable exercise to enhance physical fitness and resistance serves as an effective measure to alleviate symptoms.

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