Tummy tuck, which is known as abdominoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure specially designed to remove loose and flabby abdominal skin. The procedure is also performed to tighten abdominal wall muscles that have weakened. Many people opt for tummy tuck surgery because these problems cannot be fixed with exercise or diet. So this procedure is a popular option for regaining the abdominal strength and improving body shape and contour.

Get your Figure Back with Abdominoplasty

A tummy tuck re-establishes the integrity and the strength of abdominal wall as the procedure involves separating and stretching the two ‘rectus’ muscles. These two major abdominal wall muscles are held together in the front of abdomen to provide the area with tightness and strength. Even if a person has loose or stretched skin along with stretch marks, the problem can be solved with an abdominoplasty. The umbilicus or the stretched-out belly button is rejuvenated as well. This procedure also resolves the issue of excess rolls or fat around the waist or abdomen. However, to gain optimal results, it’s important to find a good plastic surgeon who is an expert in these procedures and can provide customized solutions for women and men. A tummy tuck offers the following benefits:

• A firmer, flatter abdomen
• Improvement in body contour
• Reduction in stretch marks

Types of Tummy Tuck Surgery

There are basically two main types of procedures for tummy tuck surgery:

Standard abdominoplasty: This surgery is for those patients who to get rid of a significant amount of fat and skin from the lower abdomen. The incision would be made in a more central and gradual lower position. Loose skin is removed and the muscles are tightened.

High lateral tension abdominoplasty: This surgery is for thin patients who have mostly excess lower abdominal skin. The incision would be made low in the pubis and moves sharply upwards. Maximum abdominal tightening is ensured with this procedure

A tummy tuck can be combined with liposuction for effective abdominal rejuvenation and body contouring.

Tummy Tuck in Texas offers Comfort and Safety

Just like other plastic surgery procedures, there are complications and risks involved in abdominoplasty as well. There are many reputable surgical centers in Texas focused on patient safety and comfort. In such centers, the surgeon first makes a thorough medical evaluation to make sure that you are the right candidate for this procedure. Care is taken to see that risks, and the discomfort and pain associated with the procedure are minimal.

Author's Bio: 

Abdominoplasty or Tummy tuck surgery is suitable for patients looking to achieve better body contour. Plastic surgeons in Houston redefine and tighten the abdominal muscles to give you a flat and firm abdomen.