When it comes to dating hot women, nice guys really haven't got much of a shot. It's a cold and cruel reality of the dating world and it's not likely to change anytime soon. That doesn't mean that you should suddenly turn into a real jerk just to try and get women, or that you should give up because you are a nice guy. Nice guys don't win not because they are nice, but, because they just don't get it.

A woman is not attracted to the kinds of guys that you see in sappy movies. Sure, they may say they like that stuff, but then they go out and date a guy that is FAR from that comfy image that Hollywood gives us on the big screen.

Do you want to be able to turn things around?

Do you want to start attracting hot women and not have to become a total jerk to do so?

Here's what you NEED to do.

First things first, you DO have to change up your attitude and image just a bit. Take off that warm appeal that you "think" you should have, and get out there and say what you mean when you are around a woman. How many times have you seen a friend of yours complain about being dragged to some awful sappy movie when he really wanted to go see something a little more thrilling?

And he never speaks up.

Now that's just a little thing, but it illustrates a point. The more you do whatever she wants and try to be Mr. Agreeable, the less attraction she will eventually have. She will either treat you like a doormat, or she will just move on to another guy that DOES have the brass to stand up and assert himself when he needs to or wants to.

This is why nice guys don't get it.

They keep on being Mr. Passive and Mr. Boring and they never realize that it's slowly pushing her attraction AWAY from them. Most women I know that have one of those guy friends who will never be more than just a friend say the same thing.

At first, they WERE attracted to him, but then, it started to feel like more of a friendship. Even worse, sometimes they will describe it as more of a brother sister dynamic and that is NOT at all what you want to happen.

If you want her to feel attraction for YOU, then you are going to have to be a man once in awhile.

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