Your body needs vitamins to function effectively and one of the most crucial is vitamins C (ascorbic acid is another name for vitamins C). Vitamins C is found in a number of food sources, particularly fruits including blackberries, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes as well as green vegetables like green peppers, broccoli, leafy greens, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and so forth.

Much like each and every nutrient which you eat, vitamins C will move throughout the gastro-intestinal tract, and into the circulatory system. Vitamins C is water-soluble hence readily dissolves in your bloodstream, though your body will not store it. It will be inside your bloodstream for a short time before it's eliminated and eliminated in your urine.

Vitamins C boasts all sorts of functions within your body that are essential to your health and vitality. Because the vitamin is removed from your bloodstream if it's unused, you need to have a daily supply of vitamins C in addition to quite a few other vitamins. Vitamins C is important in the synthesis of collagen in human beings. Collagen is an critical protein in the human body demanded by many processes, so that in return vitamins C is extremely important in healing injuries as well as the repair and protection of your bones teeth and cartilage.

Vitamin C deficiency can therefore produce a variety of signs and symptoms, by far the most commonly recognised being scurvy.

British mariners acquired the nickname "limey" for the reason that the merchant shipping act of 1867 demanded all boats in the Royal Navy and merchant Navy to administer their sailors a daily ration of lime. Considering that limes are perishable, a concentrated drink called Rosa's lime juice was invented that could preserve the citrus juice (and therefore the vitamin C) without fermentation and it was therefore alcohol free (an important consideration).

Several other potential symptoms of vitamins C deficiency include things like:

* Dry hair

* bleeding gums

* dry scaly skin

* nosebleeds

* puffy and painful joints

* failure to fight an infection

The amount of vitamin C you require depends in part upon your way of living. By way of example specific groups of individuals require more vitamin C as compared to normal, like smokers and drinkers as well as diabetics or people with high amounts of stress, not forgetting those who have had surgery or have an injury which needs healing.

The suggested amounts of vitamins C for a healthy adult man is about 90 milligrams every day, and 75 milligrams on a daily basis for a healthy woman. Pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding may possibly require more so it is essential to speak to your own doctor. Kids need less vitamins C but once again speak with your own doctor if you want personal advice.

You may well think about using vitamins C supplementation to ensure your body receives enough. There are also multivitamins that can easily supply a good serving on a daily basis. However, possibly the best method for you to receive your vitamins C demands is actually to consume a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Author's Bio: 

Sid enjoys writing on the subject of nutrition and health, and has a specific interest in cooking healthily. His passions include kitchen products like commercial toaster ovens, including popular makes like the Breville toaster ovens.