We live in a time of new beginnings. It is a new time of rights and freedom for women and for spirituality. However our society based on a patriarchal (or male) focus has no understanding or framework for women's wisdom or the Feminine Divine.

As women we are beginning to rebuild our relationship with our own unique divinity. To do this we are borrowing from other traditions and delving into our own inner knowing, past life and genetic memory and guidance from Spirit teachers.
There are some wonderful treasures rising up from the depths, new understanding of women's natural ways, our magic comes in gentle but powerful flows and learning how to tune into them and flow with them slows a woman down, and brings her into alignment with the Truth of Who She Is.

One of these aspects of Women's Magic, is the Triple Goddess. The Triple Goddess identifies the three aspects of women's beingness. The Maiden, The Mother and The Crone. Often taught as the three phases in a woman's life, they are much more than that. These three sacred aspects show themselves in daily life, in moods that women shift into at any given time and states of Being that women can enter to empower a project that they are working with. This is ancient knowing that women have held through the ages. For clarity, I will outline each of the three aspects.

    • The Maiden: This is a playful, lighthearted state of being. It is very social, sexual and innocent. It is a wonderful time of new beginnings, discovery, curiosity and freedom. It is aligned with the season of Spring, the direction of East. It is prevalent in a women's daily life when she is hanging out with the girls (a pyjama party or a shopping trip) and also in the seed planting and germination phase of new projects. Tuning into this flow is wonderful for the very early stages of new projects, or when you get too bogged down in a project to take you back to the state of playfulness that helps fuel a creation along. It also is wonderful for depressi on or when you get too bogged down in life.
        The Mother: This is a loving, communal state of being. It is about deeper connections – to your lover, to your children, to your community. It is a time of giving and receiving. Not only does the Mother come into alignment with the deeper flow of communion, she carries the flow for her community. This is the time of fruition, the slow process of labour followed by wonderful gifts and outcomes. The projects that were just ideas in the Maiden state, are worked on and brought into the physical with the Mother energy. This is the state of manifestation. The Mother phase is aligned with the season of Summer, the direction of North if you are in the S outhern Hemisphere and of South if you are in the Northern Hemisphere. It is prevalent when a woman is showing support for her loved ones, when gathering in times of grief, pain or celebration, in gestating, birthing and raising children (or businesses or other projects).
          The Crone: This is the place of knowing, of wisdom (wisdom is knowledge gained through experience). It is what comes of perspective. The perspective of having completed a cycle and experienced the outcome. The Crone teaches, in her own time and in her own method. She does not answer or bow to others. She will share her knowing when it is right, not when others push. She is in line with the flow much more than being in line with other people. She resonates her truth and like a beacon will draw those to her that are ready for what she has to share. She will sit quietly, and smile calmly and when she speaks, only those who are able will listen and unders tand. The Crone phase is aligned with the season of Autumn and the direction of West. It comes into access when a project or life experience is completed and you are able to look back and learn from it. Tune into her flow when you are seeking perspective, distance and understanding.
  • While it is absolutely true that both men and women have access to the Divine Feminine and Triple Goddess, it is also true that as women, we have a much deeper relationship with these flows. Our very lives are built on these rivers of energy and to consciously open and develop our relationship with them, to learn how to work with them as true sources of magic and Truth is to grow into and know our deepest power.

    Author's Bio: 

    Daniella Breen B.Sc. (Psych) has been working with Women's Circles since the mid 90s. Her latest achievement is to record a beautifully channelled attunement to the three aspects of the Triple Goddess. To learn more, click on this link. http://www.soulpathcoaching.com.au/main/page_products__events_downloads....