I'm a big believer in the power of tithing as taught by Edwene Gaines in The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity.

In her model you tithe 10% of your income to those people, places or institutions who have fed you spiritually.

They've inspired you, helped you to remember who you are.
By giving in this way, you acknowledge God as the Source, and the more I've experimented with this practice the more I've become convinced that, try as we might, we cannot out give God.

Your recipient may end up being a charity, but more likely it's a person or group very close to home. I've given to acquaintances, colleagues, team members, authors of books, spiritual organizations, friends, strangers as well as charities that have inspired me.

How Tithing Gives Back
I started tithing five years ago when I really didn't have any extra disposable income, and from doing it anyway my life and abundance had expanded exponentially. My business has grown from the low six figures to the multi-millions, my reach has expanded internationally and big and small miracles come my way daily.

For example, at one of my events a year ago, I felt inspired by the work of the eWomen Network Foundation and decided to challenge myself and everyone in the audience to donate. It was an experiment that caught fire! To date, we have raised more than $286,000 for the foundation.

As a result of selflessly tithing to the foundation, we ended up in a relationship where they invited me to be their keynote speaker at their yearly conference, honored me as their Foundation Champion of the Year -- and introduced me to their subscribers.

In reviewing my sales this year I almost fell off my chair when I saw that the sales from their subscribers were almost exactly equal to the amount of money I helped raise for the foundation!

It was as if God rewarded me personally in direct relation to what we raised.

I know it could easily sound like a coincidence, but that kind of thing happens all the time to me and my clients who tithe. I'll send out $3,000, and then open my mailbox and find a check for $3,500.

Tithing Tips
Are you inspired to try tithing? If so, you need to keep these tips in mind.

* Keep your focus on giving. Don't give with the expectation of getting. Enjoy how good it feels to focus on that which inspires you. Give and let go!

* The Universe often gives from a different direction. The eWomen Network Foundation was an exception to this, but many times you tithe to institution A and receive from person B.

* Give without attachment to how the money is used. Just give and say thank you. How they use the money is up to them.

Tithing has proven to me over and over that when we give, the Universe gives again to us -- and always so much more than we dreamed of.

Author's Bio: 

Sales-from-the-podium expert Lisa Sasevich has x-ray vision for seeing the sales opportunities that exist in every company, and the creativity to convert them into gold! If you're looking for simple, quick and easy ways to boost sales without spending a dime, get your FREE Sales Nuggets now at http://www.theinvisibleclose.com